Forage Production Technology for Arable Lands - Indian Grassland ...

Forage Production Technology for Arable Lands - Indian Grassland ...

Forage Production Technology for Arable Lands - Indian Grassland ...


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extent. Selection of suitable crop which can withstand the waterlogging is anothercomponent of management <strong>for</strong> such soil conditions.System description: Provision of the suitable drainage to remove excess water fromroot zone is most desirable intervention in such soil conditions. But, sometimes itbecome impossible to drain the excess water and leads to crop failure. When groundwater table is very close to the soil surface and causes frequent saturation of root zone,the selection of the crop adaptable to the waterlogged condition become wisest option(Table 22). The plantation of trees or shrubs is useful in these soils. In areas near canalcommand tree plantation such as Eucalyptus, Casuarinas, and Populus are considered tobe most useful.Table 22 . <strong>Forage</strong> crops and their varieties suitable <strong>for</strong> waterlogged soilSoil conditions Suitable cropStanding water Almon grass ( Echinochloa polyptachya) > Para grassShallow water tableTemporary waterlogged soil drained inrabi seasonRiverine flood waterloggingSaline water loggedBrief package of practice:(Brachiaria mutica ) >Coix sps., Iseilema laxum,Chloris gayana, Signal grass (B. decumbense), Karnalgrass ( Leptochloa fusca ), Khas ( Vitiveria zjzadoides )and Congo signal grass (B. brizantha)Teosinte (Zea mexicana), Shevary (Sesbania sesbanSasuna ( Medicago denticulata ), Teera (Lathyrussativus), chatarimatari (Vicia sativa), oats and berseemSorghum (PC-9), Teosinte (TL-6)Eucalyptus, Casuariana, and PopulusReclamation and management strategies adopted in the waterlogged soils depend uponthe nature and cause of waterlogging.ReclamationIn Seasonal water-logged areas, the runoff water accumulated in the low lands anddepressions in the rainy season should be removed by providing surface drainage.Perennial water-logging (deep water, swamp etc) <strong>for</strong>med due to accumulation of rainwater, runoff water and seepage water from canal causing perennial water-loggingcan be reclaimed by providing suitable surface drainage. If surface drainage is notpossible then crops like para grass and almon grass can be planted successfully.Sub soil waterlogging results due to high water table in the rainy season. This shouldbe reclaimed by installing subsurface drainage to make the rooting zone free fromsaturation <strong>for</strong> longer period.<strong>Forage</strong> <strong>Production</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Arable</strong> <strong>Lands</strong>41

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