Forage Production Technology for Arable Lands - Indian Grassland ...

Forage Production Technology for Arable Lands - Indian Grassland ...

Forage Production Technology for Arable Lands - Indian Grassland ...


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Table 10: Package of practice of round the year <strong>for</strong>age production in rainfed landsCrops andtheirvarietiesSowing/plantingtimeSeed rate andspacing (cm)MoisturemanagementPennisetum trispecific hybrid + pearl millet (double cut)Pennisetum July- TSH planted at Grown raintrispecific August and 75 cm spacing fedhybrid Mid in paired row;(TSH) February – space betweenMarch 2 set: 2.20 m10000- 12000rooted slipsPear June - July Sowing in 2.2 Grown rainfedmillet: Rajm wide alleybajra chari-2,space at 30 cmAVKB -19spacingFertilizermanagementBasal: 10 tFYM and40: 50:30 kgNPK/haTop dressing:20 kg N/haafter each cutif coincideswith rain30+30 kgNP/ha asbasal dose,Top dressing:30 kg N/ha at30-35 DASand 30 kgafter first cutHarvestingschedule1 st cut: 75 – 80DAPSubsequentcuts: 30– 40days afterprevious cutHarvested at45-50 DAS <strong>for</strong>first cut andsecond cut atthe sameintervalOutput and economics: In the system Pennisetum trispecific hybrid produces 53.8 t,green and 11.3 t dry matter /ha whereas, pearl millet produces 30.96 t green or 5.82 t dryfodder in two cuts. The total system productivity is 84.76 t green fodders per hectare perannum. The system involves production cost of Rs. 30000/ha and B: C ratio may be up to2.08 to 2.79.Constraints in adoption: This system occupies the land <strong>for</strong> 3-4 years and need separateland allocation <strong>for</strong> the fodder production.Scope <strong>for</strong> commercialisation: In the milkshed areas, the technology may economizethe cost of milk production and maintaining the livestock health. This technology issuitable <strong>for</strong> small and medium farmers having 4-5 milch animals.22 <strong>Forage</strong> <strong>Production</strong> <strong>Technology</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Arable</strong> <strong>Lands</strong>

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