Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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The Curia InformsTHE PRESENT SITUATION: THE SANG PROVINCE6Editor's note: Usuallythis space is dedicated tothe column of Fr. LuisAlberto Cano, FirstGeneral Consultor andmoderator of the CIIConference (InterprovincialIberianConference). However,for this issue we willoffer an interview withone of the Provincials ofthe CII Conference, Fr.Eulogio Cordero of theSANG Province in Spain.1. Fr. Eulogio, can you briefly tell us somethingabout the present situation of your Province withregard to the number of religious, the median age,areas where our religious are present and the ministriesthat they undertake?The SANG Province presently consists of 117religious situated in Spain, Panama and Ecuador,and in the Vicariate of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel inChile and the Vicariate of the Exaltation of theCross in Bolivia. The median age of the religious is55 distributed in the following manner: in Spain,the median age is 62.28 yrs., in Chile, 65 years; inBolivia 48.3 yrs., and in Ecuador and Panama, 44yrs.2. With regard to vocations, in what condition isyour province? How has the vocation programfared that you have undertaken in recent years?Those religious in formation until priestly ordinationare 12, plus one novice and 12 postulants ofwhich four or five are ready to begin the novitiate.The initial formation centers are located in the communitiesof Peñafiel, San Gabriel (Madrid); Quitoand Conocoto in Ecuador; Bellavista in Bolivia andSantiago de Chile.The last Provincial Chapter stated the following asour objective for vocation ministry: "We commitourselves to undertake vocation ministry that presentsour community of life and mission as an invitationto a specific vocation." Among the variousinitiatives that were proposed are these: a)Consciousness-raising on a community levelregarding the importance of a community that giveswitness to its community life and that is open to beFr. Eulogio Cordero, C.P. Provincial SANGexperienced. b) Enableand coordinate the elementsthat facilitate thepresentation of ourcharism. In addition toencouraging the vocationdelegate in eachcommunity, theVocation and formationCommission takes concretesteps to accomplishthis objective.Those programs alreadyrealized are: vocationawareness days; shared living experiences andmeetings in coordination with the Youth MinistryCommission.3. Is there some program in place with regard tothe <strong>Passionist</strong> Family (<strong>Passionist</strong> women religious,<strong>Passionist</strong> laity) in your Province? Whatkind?Yes. In the Plan of the province apostolate wepropose the following: "To continue to incorporatethe laity in the task of spreading the faith, beginningwith the Word of the Cross." From this point theCommission for the Apostolate and the individualcommunities of the Province have enabled groupsof the laity to have a sense of being <strong>Passionist</strong>.Together with them we are planning meetings on aprovincial and inter-provincial level, as well as forthe youth involved in the movement entitled "youthwith a single focus: <strong>Passionist</strong>", as well as foradults.4. How do you envision this process ofRestructuring that the Congregation has undertakenas we move toward the General Chapter? Isit applicable in your Province? In what way?I view it positively, keeping in mind that it is a"process". And I understand this as meaning a roadto undertake what is possible, but at the same timeit seeks pertinent information so that it may beassumed by everyone. Formation, availability anda generous spirit are the qualities which must necessarilymove toward greater vitality in theCongregation. In order for this message to beapplied it must be understood by the majority of thereligious.

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