Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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The Curia InformsQuestionnaire n.2To the Communities of the CongregationIn order to share your dream for the future ofour Congregation, please answer the threemajor questions below. These are being sharedwith every Provincial, Vice Provincial andVicariate Council and every community in theCongregation in the second stage of the consultationprocess.Q A. In light of the call to restructuring of theCongregation, our Community is committed todeepening our experience of the <strong>Passionist</strong>Charism now and for the future in the followingways:……………………..Q B. In light of the call to restructuring of theCongregation our Community is committed todevelopment of <strong>Passionist</strong> presence now andfor the future in the followingways:…………………………Q C. In light of the call to restructuring of theCongregation our Community is committed tore-focusing the <strong>Passionist</strong> mission now and forthe future in the followingways:…………………………experience, express and communicate the<strong>Passionist</strong> Charism?5. The ways that diminishment of the numberof religious can call us to new ways of life.6. The ways we can widen our <strong>Passionist</strong> presenceto welcome others in.7. The way in which that the experience of thepoor & suffering of our world impact uponus.8. The ways that new forms of leadership andgovernance could develop for theCongregation.9. The ways in which we could re-focus ourmission as <strong>Passionist</strong>s.10.The ways that communications within theCongregation could be enhanced.11.The ways we can respect the needs ofyounger and older religious.12.The ways we maintain and promote a positiverelationship between developed anddeveloping parts of the Congregation.13.The ways that the <strong>Passionist</strong> Congregationcan understand and promote the priesthoodof all the baptized.14.The ways we can finance our life and ministryfor now and the future.In responding to these three questions pleasetake account of the following issues that haveemerged in the process so far. Grouping theseissues under a particular question may helpyou. However some may apply to more thanone question. For example:Q A: 1, 2, 3, 4;Q B: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 14;Q C: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14;1. The ways in which the Congregation canremain rooted in its charism and yet have thestrength and flexibility to adapt and developnew ways of life.2. The ways in which the prophetic witness ofthe Congregation could develop.3. The ways in which our <strong>Passionist</strong> Formationcan develop.4. The ways that your Community could assistthe Province, Vice-province or Vicariate to"The strength and the flexibility to adapt…"5

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