Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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The Curia Informs4the wonderful potential of whatit means to be a <strong>Passionist</strong>.We would be grateful if youwould share with us some yourhopes for the future, so thatyour reflections may help us toformulate strategies for planningthe subsequent stages ofthe process.What life style, what missioncan we envision today for a<strong>Passionist</strong> future? How are wepresent and effective in the currentglobalized world? Whatkind of Congregation can weenvision? What are possibledreams?It is necessary to send theresponses and reflections to theSecretary of the Commission,Fr. Elie Muakasa, as soon aspossible but no later than nextAugust 15. The Commissionwill have an opportunity tostudy the responses and to integratesome or all of your reflectionsor suggestions into theupcoming work phase.We are looking forward tothe ideas that you have to offerus so as to proceed more efficiently.Together with this letter youwill find the questionnaires andthe three main questions:Charism, Presence, andMission, as well as other pointsor questions to keep in mindwhile formulating the responses.Then the reflections and theresponses will be studied andcategorized by theRestructuring Commission inthe form of a report and whichwill then constitute the basis ofdialogue and further study bythe Commission and theGeneral Council nextSeptember in Australia wherethe PASPAC Assembly will takeplace and during which theGeneral Council will meetamong themselves and with theMajor Superiors of the Region.At the September meetingthe Commission will preparethe third phase by means ofmore specific questions directedtoward the Major Superiors andthe Regional Conferences. Thiswill also be the point at whichwe wish to enlist the involvementand consultation of thewomen religious and the laity ofthe <strong>Passionist</strong> Family.Obviously the Restructuringprocess which was initiatedwith the mandate of the Synodof last November/December,wishes to involve all the religiousof the Congregation andthe various components of the<strong>Passionist</strong> Family. We must allbe involved in searching outpaths to be taken and in offeringconcrete suggestions for actualizingRestructuring. It musttruly be a collegial undertakingbecause we are convinced aboutthe presence of the Spirit of Godin the Congregation and aboutthe living dimension of thesacrament of salvation that,according to the Council, is theChurch.Therefore, in a spirit of simplicityand humility, may no onefeel inadequate to be able togive a response, because "theThe <strong>Passionist</strong> church in Metoro, MozambiqueSpirit blows where he wills"and because through the"mouths of little ones God isglorified". Today, 31 May, thefeast of the Visitation of themost Blessed Virgin Mary to St.Elizabeth her cousin, "the barrenone who gave birth". Weentrust to her, the Mother ofJesus, our journey, she who "setout and traveled to a town ofJudah". (Lk. 1:39) Her presenceand her greeting also makenew life for Congregation"leap" within us. "And blessedare you who believed what wasspoken to you by the Lordwould be fulfilled." (Lk. 1:45)As I leave for a week's pastoralvisit to our mission inBulgaria, I send my fraternalgreetings to all the religious ofthe Congregation, especially tothe sick who in their flesh experiencethe Passion the Jesus, tothe young and to the womenreligious and the laity of the<strong>Passionist</strong> Family.Fr. Ottaviano D’Egidio, C.P.Superior GeneralSts. John and Paul, RomeFeast of the Visitation31 May 2005The address to which you maysend your responses is as follows:* Secretary of the Commissionfor RestructuringFr. Elie Muakasa, C.P.P.za SS. Giovanni e Paolo, 1300184 Roma Italiae-mail: muakasa@yahoo.fror to the Secretary General**email:segretariogen@passiochristi.org

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