Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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<strong>Passionist</strong> Life - Witnesses - Professions and OrdinationsDeath of Fr. Stanislas BretonOn 2 April 2005, Fr. Stanislas Breton (MICH) passed away to eternallife.Fr. Stanislas was born on 3 June 1912, professed vows on 10 October1927, and was ordained on 29 June 1936.Fr. Stanislas Breton, C.P. (MICH)He was a philosopher, mystic and poet whose life was rich in vitalityand thought. He helped the Congregation and the world to deepen theirunderstanding of the mystery of the Cross and the Passion of Jesus bymeans of his teaching, lectures and numerous publications of books andother studies.In October, 2003 the Congregation honored him at a Symposium at the Lateran University in Rome onthe occasion of his 90th birthday, celebrating his life as well as his work. On that occasion, Fr. OttavianoD'Egidio, Superior General stated:"A Philosopher, theologian and poet of the Memoria Passionis, he (Fr. Breton) is among the great representativesof contemporary Christian thought. His vast scientific work, 40 published books and 311articles or contributions to collected works and his academic teaching have contributed to the deepeningof research on the Verbum Crucis in a profitable dialog between faith, reason and intuition.Furthermore, he has enriched the understanding of the charism of the <strong>Passionist</strong> Congregation that St.Paul of the Cross summarized in the words promote grateful remembrance of the Passion of Our Lord."For more information on the life and work of Fr. Stanislas Breton see PIB, December 2003.Celebration in the <strong>Passionist</strong> churchof Wisla, PolandThe <strong>Passionist</strong>s in Wisla - Poland<strong>Passionist</strong>s have been present in the town of Wisla since the year 1970. Truly anexception in Catholic Poland, the Catholics in this town are living as in a diaspora,since Lutherans comprise the majority of the population, in addition toalmost thirty other Protestant sects. Every year, on the occasion of IndependenceDay celebrations (11th November), the citizens meet to pray for their country inone of the various churches. Last year it was the turn of the <strong>Passionist</strong>s’ churchand there was a large attendance of the members of many of the other churches.The local civil authorities and the clergy of the various churches were all invited.The Lutheran church choir led the singing and our parish priest and localSuperior in Wisla, Fr. Leonard Zaloga, C.P., presided at the liturgy of the Word.The homily was preached by the Lutheran pastor.PROFESSIONS AND ORDINATIONSFirst vowsOn 8 January 2005, the following novices of the RES Vicariate (Peru) of the CORI Province professedFirst Vows: José Cleider Vásquez Pasancho, Franklin Vasquez Villa, Hugo Mori Alegria andAdony Reyes Rosario of the PAC Vicariate (Puerto Rico/ Dom. Republic).On 9 January of the same month, three novices of the CALV Province (Brazil/Mozambique) alsoprofessed First Vows: Solano Luiz Taverna, Wilson Aparecido Lopes and Francisco das Chagas daSilva Marques. Also on 29 January the novices of the DOMIN Vicariate (Brazil) of the PRAESProvince professed Vows: José Carlos Souza Aquino, José Secundino Mendes Oliveira, MárcioSantos de Souza and Alessandro Dos Santos Alves (30 Jan.).On 5 February, Luiz Martins de Freitas, of the LIBER Vicariate (Brazil) of the SPE Provincia professedVows. And on the 27th of the same month the novices of the VICT Vicariate (Brazil) of theDOL Province professed First Vows: Vancerlan Gomes da Paz, Aurélio Aparecido Miranda,Melquíades Lima Filho and Paulo Sérgio Miranda.39

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