Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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<strong>Passionist</strong> Life - Special EventsFr. Laurentino Novoa, C.P. of the Spanish FAM Province, is a former student of the Holy Father. He iscurrently a theology professor in the "Centro Regional de Estudios Teológicos" of Aargón. He first metPope Benedict XVI in 1969 when the latter was a professor of theology in the University of Regensburg(Ratisbona), in Germany. It was during the period that his friendship began with the Pontiff, a relationshipthat has continued to the present day. Below we offer a part of the interview that was conductedwith Fr. Laurentino on 21 May 2005, in the diocesan center of Teruel, Spain.--What is your relationship with the current Pope Benedict XVI?I met Joseph Ratzinger in 1969 at the University of Regensburg where he taught dogmatic theology.Apart from my relationship with him as a professor, I also developed a close friendship with him whenhe built his residence near where we students lived in the <strong>Passionist</strong> community of Bavaria, and sincewe were neighbors, a strong friendship developed. As a matter of fact, even in 1977 when he wasnamed bishop of Munich, he would always return to Regensburg to celebrate Mass in our chapel andhave breakfast with us. Then in 1981, Pope John Paul II called him to Rome as Prefect of theCongregation for the Faith, one of the most important congregations of the Church.--Have you had any kind of contact with him since he was elected Pope?Naturally, I wrote to congratulate him. I would have liked to have participated in his inaugural Mass.Our relationship is that we know each other and we have a certain friendship, but it is also a relationshipwith our community, a very close relationship. Benedict XVI proved wrong the saying that he whoenters the Conclave as "Pope" will exist as "Cardinal". Those of us, who have known Ratzinger well,never thought that he would have been elected, because he is a man of great simplicity. Theology andthe intellectual life involving study and reflection on the Christian Faith is what he really enjoys. Ibelieve that he had really hoped to retire. On the other hand, he has never been a man who had politicalambitions, and because of this we thought that he would do everything possible not to be elected.Therefore, for believers this is one more proof that this is an act of God. Although for me his nominationhas been has been a source of great joy, I have to honestly say that I was surprised.-- There has been a lot of talk about his talents. Does what is reported in the press coincide with whatyou know of Ratzinger?I don't believe so and the proof is that since he was electedsuccessor of St. Peter people have had a very goodimpression of him, in particular they are impressed byhis simplicity, his style preaching, etc. I think that themedia has presented a very distorted view of him and thereason for this may be due to the mission that he has carriedout for the Church. Ratzinger had to work to maintainthe authenticity and the purity of the Faith and thismeans making decisions that not everyone likes.--In his decision-makings thus far, has he set any standardsfor the Church?John Paul II and Benedict XVI are two very differentpeople, although they shared a great friendship and werein spiritual harmony. Regarding matters of doctrine,ethics and morality I don't believe that there will bemany changes because the Pope has strong moral convictions.Nevertheless, in other areas he will surelymake some positive changes.Fr. Laurentino Novoa (FAM)35

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