Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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<strong>Passionist</strong> Life - Special Events34“…with faith, trust and joy.”Shortly after the election of Joseph CardinalRatzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, our SuperiorGeneral, Fr. Ottaviano D'Egidio, wrote to HisHoliness on behalf of the Congregation to offer hisbest wishes and prayers:To the Holy Father His Holiness Benedict XVIThe Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ,all the men and women religious and the laity of the<strong>Passionist</strong> Family have received the announcementof the election of your Holiness as Successor to Peterwith faith, trust and joy.We assure you of our filial obedience and of ourprayer that you will guide the Church in your role ofFather and Pastor according to the designs establishedby Providence, even in deep and troubledwaters, certain of the presence of Jesus with you inthe boat and of the living wind of the Spirit of Truthin the sails: "The Holy Spirit whom the Father willsend in my name, will teach you everything."(Jn.14:26)We fondly recall your presence and the homilythat you preached when you presided at the concelebratedEucharist on the feast of our Founder, St. Paulof the Cross, in the Basilica of Sts. John and Paul inRome, during our General Synod of 1992, a visit thatwe hope you will repeat as Supreme Pontiff. Wealso happily remember your summer visits to celebratedaily Eucharist at our community residence inRegensburg.Holiness, as we extend our sincere best wishes foryour Supreme Apostolic Ministry, we want to assureyou of our filial devotion and obedience as we kissthe ring of the Fisherman.May the Passion of Jesus Christ be always in ourhearts!Fr. Ottaviano D'Egidio CPSuperior GeneralPiazza Ss. Giovanni e Paolo, 13 - 00184 RomaIn response to the Superior General's letterof congratulations, Fr. Ottaviano receivedthe following response:SEGRETARIA DI STATO_______PRIMA SEZIONEAFFARI GENERALIThe Vatican, 28th April, 2005N. 7Reverend Father,His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI hasreceived your message, in which you, in thename of the Family of <strong>Passionist</strong> Religious,expressed your affectionate good wishes onoccasion of his holiness' elevation to theChair of Peter, assuring him of your specialprayers for the success of his universal ministry.The Holy Father, who appreciates this gestureof devout homage, would like toexpress his deep-felt gratitude by grantingyou and all who have been joined with youin your expression of filial veneration hisApostolic Blessing as a sign of abundantheavenly graces.I avail myself of this occasion to convey mysincere esteem of Your Most ReverendPaternity.Fraternally in the Lord† Leonardo SandriSostituto_____________________Fr. OTTAVIANO D’EGIDIO, CPSuperior General of the <strong>Passionist</strong>sPiazza Ss. Giovanni e Paolo, 13 - 00184Roma

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