Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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<strong>Passionist</strong> Life - <strong>Passionist</strong> FamilyLay <strong>Passionist</strong> Movement of CIPI (Interprovincial Conference of Italian <strong>Passionist</strong>s)The National Council of the Lay <strong>Passionist</strong> Movement of CIPI met in the retreat house at Sts. John andPaul, Rome on 15-16 Jan. 2005. The meeting was attended by 38 members as well as Fr. LuigiVaninetti and Fr. Alberto Pierangioli, National Assistant of the LPM. Among the decisions that weremade are the following:(1) The National Convention of the LPM will continue to be held every two years; in 2006 the meetingwill be hosted by the Province in Sicily with a topic to be determined.(2) The Coordinator will study ways of reviving the publication of some means of communication forwhich there an urgent need.(3) An LPM Day will be planned to make the Movement better known and also for the purpose offund-raising, possibly on the feast of St. Gemma, the patroness of LPM. The results of the electionsare as follows: Franco Nicolò, of the DOL Province was confirmed as the National Coordinator; DarioSimonitto, of the CFIXI Province, the Vice-Coordinator and Maria Rosa Pacchera of the CORMProvince, Treasurer.Shrine of St. Gemma, Lucca: Inauguration of Pilgrims' Reception CenterAt the Shrine of St.Gemma, Lucca, the feast of the Saint, May 16, was particularly joyful thisyear due to inauguration of the "Casa del Pellegrino", the Pilgrim Reception Center. The Centeris located on the property of the Shrine of St. Gemma and the Monastery of the <strong>Passionist</strong> Nuns.In the past, in order to offer groups of pilgrimsa place for rest and refreshments, the nunshad to ask permission of the local bishop toallow these people to enter within the monasterycloister. To respect this dimension of the nuns'life and to offer a more commodious facility, itwas decided to construct a free standing buildingon the monastery grounds. The newly inauguratedPilgrim Reception Center can accommodateapproximately 200 people. Togetherwith restroom facilities there are areas for thegroups to rest and enjoy a box lunch.The Superior of the Monastery, Mother Paolaexplained that this place for pilgrims is the giftof the devotees of St. Gemma to the citizens ofthe city as well as to "the friends of the Shrine"who, even from far-away places made donationstoward the realization of this project. To makereservations for groups to visit the Shine and usethis new facility, contact Mrs. Maria Sivolella atthe Monastery.The blessing of the new Pilgrim Center33

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