Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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<strong>Passionist</strong> Life - News from the ConferencesCIIIberian ConferenceCENTENARY OF THE FAM PROVINCEThis year the FAM Province of Spain (Zaragoza) will markthe centenary of its foundation which originated in the retreatsof Mexico, Cuba and Chile. From there it expanded to Spain,Venezuela, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Guatemala,ceding Chile to the SANG Province. Consequently, duringthis centenary year, the Provincial Chapter will take placewhere the province originated, i.e. Mexico.Following is a description of the Centenary poster: In thecenter is the <strong>Passionist</strong> Sign which identifies us: "The memoryof the Passion". A circle of light emanates from this centerwith the colors of each country and place where we are located.The olive branch envelopes us in content and traditionwith definite biblical and Passio-centric roots, in addition toincorporating the palm branch in our Sign. The four branchessymbolize our four areas of ministry which are, however, unitedin the same trunk. The sandals, on the "horizon of hope",which are easily recognizable, define us as ready for ministry.They are worn out by those who have preceded us in ministry;they await new feet for the mission. They are foot-wear ofhope, light-weight and poor that project our itinerant lifetoward new horizons. The text: "We announce the Passion ofChrist", a Pauline echo as well as an echo of our Constitutions,recall the reason for our existence -- yesterday, today y always.The background, radiant with clarity and light, and its colorfulimpact, is symbolic of the joy of our vocation and our jubileecelebration. In summary: the Memory-Horizon of a charismand a burst of joy.Centenary Poster of the FAM Province32The <strong>International</strong> Commissionof Solidarity and JPICOn April 8-9, 2005 the<strong>International</strong> Commission ofSolidarity and JPIC met in Rome.As always each member spokeabout the work that they realizedduring the past semester. Some ofthese are:-- The recognition in theUnited Nations (UN) of the<strong>Passionist</strong> <strong>International</strong>Commission in the Department ofPublic Information. It is expectedthat within two years it will beofficially recognized by theCouncil of Social Economy(ECOSOC).-- Our web page,http://www.passionistworld.org,is now available in three languages.-- The network between all ofthe <strong>Passionist</strong>s (male and female)that are working in the area ofJPIC continues to develop.-- A booklet to help raise consciousnessof many issues in thisarea of Justice and Peace hasbeen printed and has been distributedamong many religious.The Commission then namedareas for future development:- There are still many<strong>Passionist</strong> religious who do notknow about JPIC, or are not awareof this dimension of being<strong>Passionist</strong>.- The Solidarity Fund isincreasing gradually but the participationof all the Provinces stillhas to be achieved. ManyProvinces still do not know aboutthe Solidarity Fund and someeconomically strong Provinceshave hardly shown signs of life.Fr. Jefferies Foales,Justice & Peace Commission- We wish every Province tohave a delegate for JPIC.- Permanent formation on JPICis an on-going need.- The Commission will continueto study its educational role aswell as how to establish bettermeans of communication amongthe different Provinces.

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