Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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<strong>Passionist</strong> Life - News from the ConferencesCPAAfrican ConferenceFr. Filippo Astori, C.P. Regional Vicar (CARLW)Congress of CARLW VicariateThe Congress of the CARLW Vicariate ofKenya took place during 8 - 10 February 2005in Karungu, Kenya. The Provincial Superior,Fr. Giuseppe Martinelli (CORM) presided atthe Congress. The theme of the Congress was:"Toward a more religious and more KenyanVicariate - toward a renewed way of living thecharism". The focus of the Congress centeredon the evaluation of projects and their development,as well as concern for on-going formation.The Congress elected Fr. Filippo Astori as RegionalVicar. This will be his second term. Two consultors werealso elected: Fr. Leonardo Okuku, First Consultor andFr. John Muthengi, Second Consultor.Congress of the MATAF VicariateThe MATAF Vicariate celebrated itsCongress from 17 - 19 January 2005 inthe community of Forest Hill, Botswana.The Provincial Superior (PATR), Fr.Martin Coffey presided at the Congress.The discussions during the Congresscentered on <strong>Passionist</strong> presence and ourapostolates in the two nations of SouthAfrica and Botswana, as well as the possibilityof establishing a foundation inZambia, where the Vicariate is experiencinggrowth in the area of vocations.The Congress elected Fr. ArthurMcCann as the Regional Vicar and Fr.Michael Ogwena and Anthony Mdhuli,Consultors.Religious of the MATAF Regional Vicariate30

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