Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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<strong>Passionist</strong> Life - News from the ConferencesCIPI36th Assembly of CIPI (Inter-Provincial Conference of the Italian<strong>Passionist</strong>s)The annual Assembly of CIPIItalian Conferencetook place in Rome at Sts. John andPaul from 31 Jan. to 02 Feb. 2005. Themoderator was Fr. Pierluigi Nava of theMonfort Fathers, who spoke on the topic of Restructuring in reference to this topic that was treatedduring the recent General Synod.The Assembly was introduced by its president, Fr. Luigi Vaninetti, who spoke about what wasdiscussed during the Synod regarding the importance of Restructuring and as well as decisions thatwere made and the basis for these decisions. With the help of Fr. Nava, the Assembly reflected onways to increase the vitality of the Congregation in the process of Restructuring and the criteria toused to form small groups for discussion.The second part of the Assembly addressed the life of the Provinces and the various commissionsthat, following the report of Fr. Luigi, reported on the activities that took place and those beingplanned for the future. Additionally, the Assembly addressed the issue of the National Novitiate.Since the level of collaboration of the Italian provinces has declined, it was decided to support theestablishment of a novitiate (or novitiates) on the provincial or inter-provincial levels while allowingfor the possibility of the involvement of additional provinces.During the Assembly Fr. Giovanni Pelà was elected to be the new secretary, replacing Fr. FrancoBonato and the new Assistant for the <strong>Passionist</strong> Lay Movement was Fr. Giovanni Giorgi, replacingFr. Alberto Pierangioli.Centenary of the Foundation of the LAT ProvinceBeginning on 23 October 2005 the LAT Province of Italywill begin the celebration of the centenary of its foundation.The commission established for this purpose has programmedthe following events: the solemn Inauguration ofthe Centenary (Manduria - 23 Oct.2005); a Symposium(Manduria- 27-29 Oct. 2005); the "pilgrimage" of the relicsof St. Paul of the Cross to cities in the province connectedwith St. Paul of the Cross: Troia Civita, Gaeta, Roma andMonte Argentario. The pilgrimage will be accompanied bya traveling exhibition highlighting <strong>Passionist</strong> life and spiritualityin the Italian provinces of Puglia, Calabria andBasilicata. The centenary will conclude in Manduria withthe celebration of the Eucharist at which Bishop Franc Rodè,Prefect of the Congregation for Religious will preside.Centenary poster of the LAT Province29

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