Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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<strong>Passionist</strong> Life - News from the ConferencesPASPACAsia - Pacific ConferenceReligious of the CRUC-THOM VicariateL-R: Frs. Martin Santiago, Regional Vicar; Michael Higgins, Provincial (CRUC);Anthony Tharayil and Joseph Van Leeuwin, Consultors26The Congress of the Regional Vicariate of StThomas the Apostle, India.The Congress was held on 20-25 April 2005, at<strong>Passionist</strong> Jyotir Bhavan, Carmelaram, Bangalore.Father Michael Higgins CP, Provincial, presided.The Congress coincided with the opening of theVicariate’s Silver Jubilee year. The first <strong>Passionist</strong>sarrived in India in March 1981, 24 years ago.Father Alex Steinmiller of Holy Cross Province wasfacilitator. Twenty six voting members were present,including the Provincial and the GeneralConsultor, as well as two student observers.Developments of the past four years wereacknowledged. Our apostolic ministries expandedduring this period, though no completely new initiativewas undertaken. The Prisoner RehabilitationProject now has a permanent home built on land weacquired for this purpose. The two parishes continueto flourish with many projects for the social bettermentof the people.Major discussions were held on the topics ofMission and Ministry, Financial Accountability andStability, Building Projects, Formation, VocationalPromotion, Leadership, and finally, a Vision for theVicariate.In order to overcome restrictions on the numberof our students admitted to our school ofPhilosophy, it was decided to move the Philosophycommunity from Bophal to Bangalore.No less than five new pastoral initiatives were proposed.All were accepted, in the sense that theCongress recommended to the incoming Vicar andCouncil to implement as many of them as might beopportune, along with the long-standing commitmentto the mission in the north of India. Theseincluded acceptance of a poor parish, Aids ministry,broad social ministry and retreat ministry. TheCongress agreed to a process of dialogue on the visitationassessment of the Vicariate and communities,and to further work on the evaluation.Father Michael Higgins announced the appointmentof Fr. Martin Gabriel Santiago as Regional Vicar.The Congress then elected two Consultors, AntonyTharayil and Joseph Van Leeuwin. The wholeCongress was conducted in an atmosphere of joyand reconciliation.

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