Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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The Curia InformsGiven that "the causes of the canonization of theservants of God are regulated by special pontificallaw" (CIC 1983, can 1403 §1), which is not insertedin the new code of 1983, if not for those dispositionsthat refer to universal law, not containinganything contrary to the new Code, we can thereforeconclude that there is nothing that was statedby Cardinal Palazzini has been modified, exceptfor the norm 2g concerning the excommunicationreserved to the ordinary - no longer in force - butwhich, however, still prohibits the confection anddistribution of false relics By "false" I think itwould be good to clarify that by this is meant notonly the supposed authenticity of the particle, butalso the use of false seals and authentics, so thatthe veracity of a relic is not compromised by itsresemblance to authentic seals, but by authority toissue decrees of authenticity, without which, a fallacyis created by which one is morally responsible.One recent example that illustrates the particularlaw cited above was the peregrination of theurn containing the remains of the Founder at theProvincialate of the <strong>Passionist</strong> Sisters of St. Paulof the Cross in Ciampino, at the end of March2004. Under my direction, the nulla osta wasrequested from the bishop where therelics were located, i.e. the CardinalVicar of Rome, and from the bishopof the place where the urn would bebrought in pilgrimage, i.e. the bishopof Albano. The two documents,together with the request of thePostulator, were sent to the HolySee, i.e. to the Congregation for theCauses of Saints. This Congregationissued an Istructio directed to boththe local Ordinaries, requestingfrom the first one that a tribunal becomposed consisting of theDelegate, the Promotor and aNotary to verify the seals and toprepare the urn, properly sealed, forthe pilgrimage; the second, thereceiving Ordinary, was requestedto inspect the integrity of the sealsupon arrival so as to permit veneration.When the urn was returned toRome, again the Tribunal of theVicariate had to verify the sealsaffixed by the Episcopal Delegateand the placement of the remain ofSt. Paul of the Cross under the altar.The final seals of the Vicariate closed the encasementthat sealed the tomb. With the reports ofthose that accompanied the relics - the MotherProvincial and the two bishops, a folder was preparedand was sent to the Holy See which is theultimate guarantee of the authenticity of the relics.The Postulator provided small relics to be left as agift to the pastors. Such relics were placed in thecaeto which was affixed the authentic seal in redwax and were accompanied by documents ofauthenticity which only he can issue with hisembossed seal.This required process confirms the use and theneed for such procedures. Therefore, according tothe norms expressed above, and exemplified in thecase cited, and which are still valid and permittedby the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, itcan be stated that:It is the sole right of the bishop, not of otherlocal ordinaries or religious - since it is not theirarea of competence - by their proper authority andin communion with the Holy See, to guarantee theauthenticity of relics and how they are managed.In the case of canonical recognition of the mortalremains of a saint, as well as their removal to aplace other than that church were they are pre-Relics of St. Gemma Galgani23

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