Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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The Curia InformsThe interior of the prison for juvenile offenders20The PreachersAmong the thirty or so missionarieswho were assignedto one of the prisons, we findthe following listing: Fr.Diego Alberici (1846-1904),co-founder of the Daughtersof the Passion, (MexicanSisters); Fr. Giuliano Brezzo(1816-1884), assiduous missionary;Fr. Stanislao Cerri(1841-1901), and Fr. EmidioCherli (1813-1873), GeneralConsultor and much soughtaftermissionary; Fr. GiuseppeMaria Falco (1817-1886),Fr.Roberto Torraca (1806-1880), the rector of Sts. Johnand Paul; Fr. RaimondoVaccari (1804-1864), who in1842 was assigned by Fr.Antonio Testa to the missionsin Australia as ApostolicPrefect; Fr.Vincenzo Grotti(1820-1883), Provincial ofSt. Joseph's (England) andProcurator General, andVenerable Norberto Cassinelli(1829-1911), the Director ofSt. Gabriel. In 1886, Fr.Norberto, then GeneralConsultor, preached in theprison of St. Michael a Ripaand realized that, during theinauguration of the Reign ofItaly, the religious did not participate,not even at Easter. Soin addition to retreats, he tookit upon himself to explain theFaith and to refute the errorsthat they had been taught.The dedication of all thesereligious in serving theirimpoverished brothers andsisters is truly admirable.Even those preachers whowere in demand and who werevery capable, voluntarilyundertook this apostolic ministry.Thus we have someinsight into how they trulyunderstood their vocation asmissionaries and of the valueof communal, apostolic ministry.

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