Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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The Curia InformsSundays to those in solitary confinement, i.e.those in small cells with little lighting. Duringsome years all would receive the sacraments.In 1854 the <strong>Passionist</strong>s preached retreats lastingthree days to incarcerated politicians, andabout 150 went toConfession andCommunion. In1855 there was "ageneral Communionby everyone".In 1864 thetwo preachersremained for dinnerin the convent ofSt. Gerolamo dellaCarità. In 1886,although theadministratorsthemselves werebeing investigated,and were thereforeuncertain and agitatedabout the sentence of the court, neverthelessmany went to Confession andCommunion.Life-sentence PrisonsIn this center, called the "Beneficenza",there were homeless young men, boys,orphans, unmarried women and older women;however we are concerned with the incarcerated.During the years 1849-1850 the <strong>Passionist</strong>spreached retreats to those who had receivedlife sentences. The three preachers, Frs.Emidio Cherli (1813-1873), SistoTedeschi(1813-1874) and Pio Cayro (1800-1864) testifiedthat those emprisioned listened attentivelyto the preaching and to the catechesis andalmost all of them went to Confession andCommunion.The complex of the Hospice of San Michelepreached on two occasions in the prisons onVia Altieri: in 1883 when the preacher was theVen. Norberto Cassinelli (1829-1911) and theother in 1890. The <strong>Passionist</strong>s preached fourretreats to the prisons at Castel Sant'Angelo.In 1828 Frs.Franceso MariaStocchi (1776-1832) and BlessedLorenzo MariaSalvi (1782-1856)preached retreats atwhich all went toConfession andArchbishop Soglia,elimosinary of theHoly See, gaveCommunion to 209.During the retreat of1830 one of the missionarieswasBlessed DominicBarberi (1792-1849) and in 1837 the preacher was theConsultor, Fr.Bartolomeo Arnaldi (1776-1856). In 1897 two retreats were preached,one for women and one for men. It should alsobe noted that preaching was done in the hospiceof the Madonna del Rifugio in the complexof St. Onofrio were there were some prisioners.Prisions for young offenders of SantaBalbina and other prisonsDuring the years 1854-1906 the <strong>Passionist</strong>spreached at least 15 retreats to under-ageoffenders in the prison of Santa Balbina.Along with their meditations and catechesisthe <strong>Passionist</strong>s added material on the Passionand in 1854, all went to Confession andCommunion. In 1860 the preachers experienceda particular grace. The PassioistsBlessed Lorenzo Maria Salvi, C.P.19

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