Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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The Curia Informs“Do not beafraid toopen thedoors toChrist”John Paul II - Visit to MexicoChrist and not cater to what others wantedto hear even with issues that were more'democratically' acceptable by others.6. John Paul II preached an incarnatedword. He put into practice what John XXIIItaught us: to have one hand placed on theheart of God and the other on earth. Thecombination leads to reading the signs ofour times and addressing them from a perspectivethat is not of this world whileremaining with our feet well planted in thisworld. It's a difficult choice but the onlymessage that can be yeast in the dough.Part of this incarnational process presupposesan inculturated one. It also presupposesan outward looking attitude thataddresses serious issues of our time especiallyissues of Justice and Peace and theIntegrity of Creation (JPIC). Our very existenceas a human family as a Church and as<strong>Passionist</strong>s depends on how vividly wekeep before us these issues and commitourselves to them. It's also vital that wedon't loose sight of this as we face therestructuring of our Congregation.7. John Paul II reached out to others anddidn't simply wait for them to come to him.This is important to mission.8. He preached not only in words but with hisperson. That's part of every Christian's responsibility:to be an extension of Christ who notonly preached the Word but was the Word forothers. John Paul was aware that he had a messageto give not only when he was young andstrong and preaching to the crowds, but whenhe was old and infirm and in the way he died;that was part of the message.8. John Paul II knew how to make use of themass media. While we Catholics have beenslow in making use of mass media, we areslowly using it more. Think how many millionsfor instance were able to partake inJohn Paul II's funeral thanks to the massmedia, even within Rome itself: peoplecould even receive communion at theappropriate time in different sections of thecity as they participated in the funeral withthe help of large screens.I hope these insights are as helpful to you asthey have been for me.17

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