Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

Passionist International Bulletin

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The Curia InformsTHE MISSIONARY LEGACYOF POPE JOHN PAUL IIChristopher Gibson, C.P.Secretary General of the Missions16Not too long ago Romewas overflowing with peoplefrom all over the world to sayfarewell to Pope John Paul IIwho had become such aprominent world figure. Itwas significant to note thatamong the crowds were manyyoung people and many currentand former world leaders.I would like to take thisoccasion to reflect on the missionarydimension of hisreign that contributed muchto what we have experiencedthrough him. This can givemuch food for thought in ourown missionary outreach toothers.1. JP II was a man who hada deep personal relationshipwith Christ. I have no doubtthat the strength and staminaof this pontiff to accomplishall that he did even in themidst of great physical hardshipscame from his personalrelationship with Christ. It isthis relationship thatlaunched him to reach out totry to make a difference onthe world stage of his timeguided by the Gospel valueshe treasured.2. Mission for him was notonly writing and preaching,which he did in abundance,but also taking direct actionin addressing the problematicalissues of his day and makinga difference in doing so.We can all think of examplesof this, which have beentreated profusely in the massmedia in recent times.3. In responding to issuesthat needed addressing, hetook risks. Towards the verybeginning of his pontificatehe accepted to take on themediation between Argentinaand Chile over their mutualclaim to the Beagle islandswhich could have led to a lotof bloodshed. Four years ofnegotiation between the twocountries through the pope'senvoy led to an agreementbetween the two countries.Not only was there the risk ofmediating between twoCatholic countries, but it alsowas a wonderful example forthe world to seethat differencesbetween countriesor differing partiescan be solvedthrough peacefulmeans. But takingrisks can also leadto making mistakes.I, alongwith many othersbelieve he didmake mistakes.So it was since thebeginning with Peter. BothChrist and St. Paul highlightedthat. Even great peoplehave their limitations. Toexpect the contrary would beunrealistic.4. We also see in theabove-mentioned matter,John Paul II's desire for unityand peace that he fosteredbetween nations and diversereligious groups. This is centralto mission.5. However unity doesn'tpresuppose compromisinggospel truths. He was fullyaware that what he said or didwould not please everyone.On one of his visits to the UShe quoted the apostle St. Paulregarding preaching in seasonand out of season. The importantthing for him was topreach the gospel message ofJohn Paul II - Good Friday 2005

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