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inteRnAtionAL PLAYeRSKyung-Tae KimSection Player BiograPhies2BeSt <strong>PGA</strong> toUR cAReeR FiniSH:t48—2010 British open, pga championship.inteRnAtionAL VictoRieS (6):2006 pocari Enerzen open [Kor]. Samsung Benest open[Kor]. 2007 gS caltex maekyung open [asia], SBStomatobank open [Kor]. 2010 Diamond cup golf [Jpn],Japan open [Jpn], mynavi aBc championship [Jpn].BeSt 2010 <strong>PGA</strong> toUR FiniSHeS:t48—British open.cURRent YeAR HiGHLiGHtS:Enjoyed a career year, moving into the top 50 in the officialWorld golf ranking for the first time on the strength ofthree Japan golf tour titles—at the Diamond cup golf,the Japan open and the mynavi aBc championship. Hewon the first two tournaments, his initial Japan golf tourFULL nAMe: Kim Kyung-taeHeiGHt: 5-10WeiGHt: 160BiRtHDAte: February 9, 1986BiRtHPLAce: Seoul, South KoreaReSiDence: Seoul, South KoreaFAMiLY: SingletURneD PRoFeSSionAL: 2006wins, by two strokes. Shot a final-round 69 to hold off ahard-charging ryo Ishikawa by a stroke at the mynavi aBcchampionship in late october. the win moved him to 39th inthe official World golf ranking…made the cut at both pgatour starts, with identical t48 finishes at the British openand the pga championship. Was 1-over in both tournaments…Laterimproved to 30th in the world ranking after athird-place showing at the casio World open on the Japangolf tour, finishing a stroke out of the michio matsumayaDo-Hoon Kim playoff.cAReeR HiGHLiGHtS:2007: added his maiden asian tour title at the gS caltexmaekyung open in South Korea and added a Korean tourtitle later in the season. 2006: Won his first two titles afterturning professional, both coming in his native South Korea,at the pocari Enerzen open and the Samsung Benest open.PLAYeR StAtiSticS2010 <strong>PGA</strong> <strong>TOUR</strong> STATISTICSScoring average ...........................................71.43 ....... (N/a)Driving Distance ...........................................286.7 ....... (N/a)Driving accuracy percentage .......................73.33% .... (N/a)greens in regulation percentage ................72.22% .... (N/a)putting average ...........................................1.827 ....... (N/a)MISCELLANEOUS <strong>PGA</strong> <strong>TOUR</strong> STATISTICS2010 Low Round/Round: 70–2 times, most recent pgachampionship/1career <strong>PGA</strong> toUR Low Round/Round: 70–2 times, mostrecent 2010 pga championship/1Largest career <strong>PGA</strong> toUR Paycheck/Finish: $21,131–2010 British open/t48career High official World Rank: after 2010 throughWeek Ending: 11/29/2010/30<strong>PGA</strong> toUR cAReeR SUMMARY PLAYoFF RecoRD: 0-0events cuts Fedexcup Pts/Year Played Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 Rank earnings2010 2 2 $38,102/total 2 2 38,102eURoPeAn toURYear events Played cuts Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 earnings2010 3 3 1 $88,708JAPAn GoLF toURYear events Played cuts Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 earnings2010 23 23 3 1 1 15 20 $2,081,781<strong>PGA</strong> toUR oF AUStRALASiAYear events Played cuts Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 earnings2010 3 3 1 $48,302* Majors and World Golf championships are considered official on multiple tours*<strong>PGA</strong> toUR toP toURnAMent SUMMARYYear 10British opent48pgat48HSBc championst41nAtionAL teAMS: World cup (1), 2008.2-408 <strong>PGA</strong> <strong>TOUR</strong> 2011 Guidepgatour.com

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