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inteRnAtionAL PLAYeRSship...Enjoyed six top-10s and two thirds on the Europeantour. 2006: recorded first two European tour titles, at theIndonesian open and the KLm open in the Netherlands.Beat australian andrew Buckle by two strokes in Indonesiain early march and australian richard green on the firsthole of a playoff at the KLm in august. Was t38 at theBritish open and t48 at the World golf championshipsamericanExpress championship in his only pga tourstarts. 2000: took full advantage of his asian pga toursimon Dyson (Continued)playing privileges by capturing three titles, two coming insuccession in may, in macau and at the Volvo china openat the Shanghai Silport gc. picked up his third asian tourtitle the week before christmas with a three-stroke victoryat the omega Hong Kong open. His three wins led to himleading the asian tour order of merit.PeRSonAL:comes from a family with a rich sports background. Hisgrandfather was a jockey; dad, John, is a bookmaker andhis uncle, terry, played soccer for tottenham in the early1960s. Encouraged to take up golf by his older brother Nick.Was a scratch player by age 16. runner-up in the Englishamateur in 1999. Won the Finnish amateur title and was amember of the great Britain and Ireland team which wonthe Walker cup at Nairn that year.<strong>PGA</strong> toUR cAReeR SUMMARY PLAYoFF RecoRD: 0-0events cuts Fedexcup Pts/Year Played Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 Rank earnings2000 12001 12004 12005 2 1 $38,5482006 2 2 21,5782007 1 1 1 1 227,5002008 22009 12010 8 6 1 171,071total 19 10 1 2 458,697eURoPeAn toURYear events Played cuts Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 earnings2010 25 17 4 8 $779,132* Majors and World Golf championships are considered official on multiple tours*<strong>PGA</strong> toUR toP toURnAMent SUMMARYYear 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10masterscutu.S. open cut cut cutBritish open cut cut cut t34 t48 cut t48pga t6 cut t12accenture match play championshipt33Bridgestone Invitationalt71ca championship cNL t38 t50HSBc championst28nAtionAL teAMS: Seve trophy (1), 2007.gonzalo Fernandez-CastanoFULL nAMe: gonzalo Fernandez-castanoHeiGHt: 5-11WeiGHt: 187BiRtHDAte: october 13, 1980BiRtHPLAce: madrid, SpainReSiDence: madrid, SpainFAMiLY: Wife, aliciaSPeciAL inteReStS: tennis, huntingtURneD PRoFeSSionAL: 2004Section 2 Player BiograPhiesBeSt <strong>PGA</strong> toUR cAReeR FiniSH:t32—2009 pga championship.inteRnAtionAL VictoRieS (4):2005 KLm open [Eur]. 2006 BmW asian open [Eur]. 2007Italian open [Eur]. 2008 Quinn Insurance British masters[Eur].BeSt 2010 <strong>PGA</strong> toUR FiniSH:t33—pga championship.2010 SeASon:Had six top-10 European tour finishes, with his bestshowing a runner-up performance at the portugal masters.Was t3 at the 3 Irish open, t4 at the KLm open, t5 atthe Iberdria open cala millor mallorca, t6 at the open deandalucia de golf and t7 at the castello masters.cAReeR HiGHLiGHtS:2009: Best pga tour finish in five starts was a t32 at thepga championship. recorded four runner-up finishes on theEuropean tour, including three consecutive in april. Lost ina playoff at the Estoril open de portugal to michael Hoey,was second to Scott Strange at the Volvo china open andthen was runner-up to thongchai Jaidee at the Ballantine’schampionship. 2008: captured the fourth European tour titleof his career on the third playoff hole against Lee Westwoodat the Quinn Insurance British masters at the Belfry. 2007:Won third European tour title, at the Italian open. 2006:Second career European tour victory came in the BmWasian open in a playoff, after which he promptly proposedto his girlfriend, alicia, whom he married later in the year.2005: Won for the first time on the European tour, at theKLm open, the same event where his hero, Seve Ballesteros,captured his first victory, in 1976. Win propelled him to 2005European tour rookie of the Year honors.PeRSonAL:an accomplished tennis player...Began playing golf underthe tutelage of his father at age 5.PLAYeR StAtiSticS2010 <strong>PGA</strong> <strong>TOUR</strong> STATISTICSScoring average ...........................................71.81Driving Distance ...........................................296.7Driving accuracy percentage .......................63.19%greens in regulation percentage ................64.44%putting average ...........................................1.707(N/a)(N/a)(N/a)(N/a)(N/a)MISCELLANEOUS <strong>PGA</strong> <strong>TOUR</strong> STATISTICS2010 Low Round/Round: 68–World golf championshipscachampionship/2career <strong>PGA</strong> toUR Low Round/Round: 66–2009mayakoba golf classic at riviera maya-cancun/2Largest career <strong>PGA</strong> toUR Paycheck/Finish: $62,500–2010 World golf championships–ca championship/t37career High official World Rank: after 2009 Buickopen/40pgatour.com <strong>PGA</strong> <strong>TOUR</strong> 2011 Guide2-391

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