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otHeR PRoMinent PLAYeRStournament at the end of one season and capture atour event the following year. 2006: medalist at tourQualifying tournament. Five-stroke margin (23-under-partotal) was largest since Scott Verplank topped Blainemccallister by six in 1997. Earned first card in ninth tripto Qualifying tournament, including second visit to thefinals (2002). one of eight players to successfully negotiateall three stages...Spent much of the year as an assistantprofessional at Forest cc in Fort myers, FL...played in u.S.open at Winged Foot, where he missed the cut. 2004:member of the golden Bear tour. 2003: Nationwide tourgeorge McNeill (Continued)member, finishing 115th on the money list, with one top-10in 24 starts...missed the cut at the Honda classic in onlytour start. 2002: Lone tour start was a missed cut atthe u.S. open at Bethpage Black. 2000: In first career pgatour start, missed the cut at the Kemper Insurance open.Amateur: all-acc and all-america selection at FloridaState (1997-98) and turned professional in 1998.PeRSonAL:about his time in 2006 as an assistant professional atForest cc in Ft. myers, FL: “I was there four days a week,open to close. I was there at 6 a.m. and I left at 6 p.m. fourdays a week, so there was a lot of fun, but it’s something Idefinitely do not ever want to do again. that’s what droveme back, got my competitive juices flowing again, and I hada little different mindset when I came back out.”… Listsheroes as cal ripken, Jr., mike Schmidt and Bo Jackson…He is one of five siblings…got his start in golf at age 3when grandfather gave him a set of clubs.<strong>PGA</strong> toUR cAReeR SUMMARY PLAYoFF RecoRD: 0-2events cuts Fedexcup Pts/ earnings/Year Played Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 Rank Rank2000 12002 12003 12006 12007 30 18 1 1 2 6 87,702/106 $1,504,627/612008 29 19 2 3 9 96,074/104 1,361,532/762009 26 15 2 3 7 480/105 1,439,220/572010 28 12 1 6 338/135 664,854/138total 117 64 1 4 1 9 28 4,970,232nAtionwiDe toURYear events Played cuts Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 earnings/Rank2000 1 1 $1,920/2502003 24 8 1 3 31,153/1152004 12006 2 1 1,835/2732009 1 1 2,622/263total 29 11 1 3 37,530* Majors and world Golf championships are considered official on multiple tours*Matt McQuillaneXeMPt StAtUS: t16 at 2010 pga tour QualifyingtournamentFULL nAMe: matthew Justin mcQuillanHeiGHt: 5-10weiGHt: 170BiRtHDAte: June 19, 1981BiRtHPLAce: Kingston, ontario, canadaReSiDence: Kingston, ontario, canada<strong>PGA</strong> toUR toP toURnAMent SUMMARYYear 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10u.S. open cut cut 63 cutBritish opencutpga cut cuttHE pLaYErScut cut t58the Barclayscut t31 cutDeutsche Bank championshipt17 cutFAMiLY: SingleeDUcAtion: university of georgiaSPeciAL inteReStS: BartendingtURneD PRoFeSSionAL: 2003Section 2 Player BiograPhiesinteRnAtionAL VictoRieS (1):2005 telus Edmonton open [can].cAReeR HiGHLiGHtS:Finished t24 at the 2005 alberta classic, his only madecut in three starts that year on the Nationwide tour. Hasnever played a pga tour event. Winner of the 2005 telusEdmonton open on the canadian tour. Has also played onthe egolf tour and the Hooters tour. Amateur: played fortwo years at oklahoma State and one year at the universityof georgia. ranked as the No. 1 junior in canada in 1999.Won the 1999 ontario Junior. Winner of the 1999 aJgatucker anthony.PeRSonAL:golf instructor is Kevin Dickey…Biggest thrill in golfwas playing augusta National…Would most like to playpebble Beach. First car was a Dodge Shadow…Favoritecollege team is the georgia Bulldogs…Favorite professionalteam is the montreal canadiens. Favorite tV showis “Seinfeld.”…Favorite movie is “the Dark Knight.”…Favorite food is pizza…Favorite athlete is Kobe Bryant…Favorite city to visit is Banff, alberta, in canada…Favoritevacation spot is Hawaii…Would round out his dream foursomewith his dad, Fred couples and David Feherty.PLAYeR StAtiSticSMISCELLANEOUS <strong>PGA</strong> <strong>TOUR</strong> STATISTICScareer High official world Rank: after 2005 cialisWestern open/479<strong>PGA</strong> toUR cAReeR SUMMARY PLAYoFF RecoRD: 0-0nAtionwiDe toURYear events Played cuts Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 earnings/Rank2005 3 1 1 $3,720/249total 3 1 1 3,720* Majors and world Golf championships are considered official on multiple tours*pgatour.com <strong>PGA</strong> <strong>TOUR</strong> 2011 Guide2-329

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