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otHeR PRoMinent PLAYeRSca. Would most like to play augusta National and cypress point. Never travels withouthis eyeglasses. Favorite professional team is the Seattle mariners. Favorite tV show is“Seinfeld.” Favorite movie is “25th Hour.” Favorite book is The Art of Happiness. Favoritefood is lasagna. Favorite athlete is chris paul. Favorite vacation spot is Disney World.Would round out his dream foursome with his dad, Spencer Levin and Bill Lunde. got hisstart in golf from his mother. Broke his neck at the age of 11. Supports charities that benefitpancreatic cancer research and cure.PLAYeR StAtiSticSMISCELLANEOUS <strong>PGA</strong> <strong>TOUR</strong> STATISTICScareer <strong>PGA</strong> toUR Low Round/Round: 68–2 times, mostrecent 2007 Frys.com open benefiting Shriners Hospitals forchildren/1Largest career <strong>PGA</strong> toUR Paycheck/Finish: $10,965–2009 rBc canadian open/t62career High official world Rank: after 2009 Britishopen/6812010 SeASon:made it through the final stage of Q-School to earn his 2011pga tour card for the first time. Was successful evenwhile continuing to rehab a wrist injury and a separatedshoulder suffered earlier in the year.cAReeR HiGHLiGHtS:2008: made four cuts in 26 starts during his rookie seasonon the Nationwide tour, set up by a t62 finish at the 2007pga tour Qualifying tournament. Best finish was a t25at the preferred Health Systems Wichita open. missed thecut in all three career starts on the Nationwide tour priorto 2008. Has also played on the gateway tour (2004, 2006,2010), golden State tour and the Spanos tour. Amateur:two-time all-american at university of california-Davis.During senior season in 2004, shattered the scoring averagerecord by almost a stroke and a half with a 71.54 mark.co-medalist at the 2004 aggie Invitational. Was a 2002all-West region first-team honoree. Won the 2002 aggieInvitational, recording a school record of 10-under 206. Setandres gonzales (Continued)scott gordoneXeMPt StAtUS: t27 at 2010 pga tour QualifyingtournamentFULL nAMe: Scott ryan gordonHeiGHt: 6-0weiGHt: 170BiRtHDAte: may 1, 1981BiRtHPLAce: Sacramento, caReSiDence: Fair oaks, ca; plays out of North ridge cca new school record that season with seven consecutiverounds below par. Named the colby E. Slater award winnergiven to the top male athlete at the university of california-Davis. participated in the 2003 u.S. amateur.PeRSonAL:Biggest thrill in golf is posting a final-round 65 at 2007Q-School finals to gain berth on Nationwide tour…Biggestthrill outside golf is the birth of his nephew and seeing himrecover from a stroke suffered atbirth…Non-golf-related jobsheld include remodeling ahouse…Favorite golf courseis cypress point…Wouldmost like to play augustaNational. Never travelswithout flip flops…First carwas a 1997 diesel mercedes-Benz…Favorite professionalteam is the San Francisco<strong>PGA</strong> toUR cAReeR SUMMARY PLAYoFF RecoRD: 0-0events cuts Fedexcup Pts/ earnings/Year Played Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 Rank Rank2006 1 1 $8,400/2007 1 1 7,120/2009 1 1 10,965/total 3 3 26,485nAtionwiDe toURYear events Played cuts Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 earnings/Rank2006 22007 22008 9 1 $1,663/2902009 12010 1 1 2,350/256total 15 2 4,013* Majors and world Golf championships are considered official on multiple tours*FAMiLY: SingleeDUcAtion: university of california-Davis (2004,Economics)SPeciAL inteReStS: traveling, fitness, outdoorsactivitiestURneD PRoFeSSionAL: 2004nationwide tour Alumnus49ers. uses dimes to mark his ball on the greens. FavoritetV show is “two and a Half men.” Favorite entertaineris Bill murray…Enjoys eating seared ahi ahi and favoriteathlete to watch is tiger Woods. Favorite cities to visitare Newport Beach, ca, and San Francisco, ca…Favoritevacation spot is maui. Bucket list includes learning to fly aplane…Is involved with american Heart association. Hissister, Jessica, works for the association and got the wholefamily involved.<strong>PGA</strong> toUR cAReeR SUMMARY PLAYoFF RecoRD: 0-0nAtionwiDe toURYear events Played cuts Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 earnings/Rank2004 12005 12006 12008 26 4 1 $10,044/185total 29 4 1 10,044* Majors and world Golf championships are considered official on multiple tours*Section 2 Player BiograPhiespgatour.com <strong>PGA</strong> <strong>TOUR</strong> 2011 Guide2-277

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