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FULLY-eXeMPt PLAYeRSDudley harteXeMPt StAtUS: major medical ExtensionFULL nAMe: Howard Dudley HartHeiGHt: 5-10WeiGHt: 190BiRtHDAte: august 4, 1968BiRtHPLAce: rochester, NYReSiDence: Buffalo, NYFAMiLY: Wife, Suzanne; abigail, rachel, ryan,avery claireeDUcAtion: university of FloridaSPeciAL inteReStS: Hockey, reading, fishingtURneD PRoFeSSionAL: 1990Q ScHooL: 1990JoineD toUR: 1991<strong>PGA</strong> toUR VictoRieS (2):1996 Bell canadian open. 2000 Honda classic.inteRnAtionAL VictoRieS (1):1998 Subaru Sarazen World open.otHeR VictoRieS (1):2002 cVS charity classic [with chris Dimarco].2010 SeASon:Did not play in 2010 as he continued to rehab after 2009back surgery. received a major medical Extension for2011. coupled with $158,399 earned in 2009, must total$504,284 in 13 starts to earn a major medical Extensionfor the rest of 2011.cAReeR HiGHLiGHtS:2009: the 2008 comeback player of the Year sufferedthrough another injury-riddled season, with a t54 in latemay at the crowne plaza Invitational at colonial his laststart. Ended the season with seven made cuts in 13 starts,with a t28 at the mayakoba golf classic his best showing...Had back surgery in early summer after a magnetic resonanceimaging test revealed his L5-S1 disk in his lower backwas bone on bone, in the same area where he suffered aherniated disk nine years earlier. Surgery fused the L5 andS1 disks together and removed problematic bone spurs,leading doctors to believe the successful procedure wouldlead to a minimum of 15 additional years of competitivegolf...received a major medical Extension for 2010. 2008:Voted pga tour comeback player of the Year. Started theseason on a major medical Extension (family crisis), butended the year with a career-best season earnings total of$2,218,817 and six top-10s, including a runner-up finish tocamilo Villegas at the BmW championship. Finished No. 12in the FedExcup point standings...First top-10 of the seasoncame at the at&t pebble Beach National pro-am, whereopening rounds of 69-70-68 left him tied for first with VijaySingh at 9-under. an even-par 72 on Sunday left him in atie for third place and one stroke shy of the playoff withSingh and eventual champion Steve Lowery...Next top-10came at the EDS Byron Nelson championship, finishing t7...Finished t5 the next week at the Wachovia championship,his third top-10 of the season, which matched his personalbest since recording five top-10s in 2001...Held a shareof the 18-hole lead at the Buick open before finishing t9.Bogeyed three of his last four holes on Sunday to finish fourbehind Kenny perry...after missing the cut at the DeutscheBank championship, posted four rounds in the 60s to finishrunner-up at the BmW championship, his best finish sincea runner-up at the 2004 EDS Byron Nelson championship.He made the biggest jump up the FedExcup standings from67th to 14th, earning a spot in the tour championship forthe first time in his career. During the week he recordedthree of the 19 total bogey-free rounds at Bellerive cc...Ended the pga tour playoffs for the FedExcup with a t10at tHE tour championship to finish 12th in the FedExcuppoints standings. 2007: Veteran limited to 12 starts due toillness of wife, Suzanne, who was diagnosed with a tumorin her lungs (non-smoking related) in may and subsequentlyhad two-thirds of one of her lungs removed. Did not playafter the Wachovia championship, taking care of Suzanneand triplets, then age 6. granted major medical Extension(family crisis) for 2008 and had 15 events to earn $485,931(combined with 2007 earnings of $299,249, would equal2007’s No. 125 earnings of $785,180) and receive majormedical Extension status for the remainder of the 2008campaign...Lone top-10 was t8 at the Bob Hope chryslerclassic, four shots out of a charley Hoffman-John rollinsplayoff. 2006: Despite back problems that forced thewithdrawal from four events, notched three top-10s tofinish in the top 125 on the money list. 2005: made 18cuts in 29 starts and collected over $1 million for the fifthtime in his 15-year career...Best finish was a solo fifth atthe Buick open, aided by a final-round 6-under-par 66 thatincluded seven birdies in eight holes…collected his secondtop-10 in a major championship with a t10 at the pgachampionship at Baltusrol. other top-10 came at the 1993pga at Inverness club, where he finished t6 in only his thirdmajor championship career start. 2004: returned to formafter battling back problems in 2003. Earned 85 percent ofhis season earnings during a three-week stretch in apriland may...In sixth start, finished t4 at the Shell Houstonopen the last week of april, to earn $220,000 to get outof the major medical Extension category for the remainderof the season...two weeks later a final-round 67 at theEDS Byron Nelson championship put him in first careersudden-death playoff; lost to Sergio garcia on the firstplayoff hole. His t2 finish was his best since finishing t2at the 2002 compaq classic of New orleans. 2003: Limitedto 22 starts due to herniated disc in his back. Didn’t playafter British open. received a major medical Extension for2004...Lone top-10 was t8 at the 100th Western open, firstsince a solo fourth at the 2002 mastercard colonial. 2002:Finished in the top 60 on the money list for the seventhconsecutive season…made 10 straight cuts beginning attHE pLaYErS championship, which included all three ofhis top-10s, with a best of t2 at compaq classic of Neworleans. 2001: Fired second- and final-round 63s to earn t3at canon greater Hartford open. the pair of 63s matchedhis career low. 2000: Won near adopted hometown atthe Honda classic. Started final round four strokes behindleader J.p. Hayes and birdied last four holes to edge HayesSection 2 Player BiograPhies<strong>PGA</strong> toUR cAReeR SUMMARY PLAYoFF RecoRD: 0-1events cuts Fedexcup Pts/ earnings/Year Played Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 Rank Rank1991 31 17 2 7 $126,217/1201992 29 19 1 3 10 254,903/611993 30 16 2 4 8 316,750/521994 31 12 2 3 126,313/1351995 30 18 4 116,334/1481996 13 10 1 3 7 422,198/471997 28 14 1 3 6 410,188/601998 25 19 1 3 8 553,729/531999 27 23 3 8 12 1,267,994/292000 24 16 1 1 3 6 1,048,166/432001 25 16 1 5 11 1,035,710/532002 26 18 1 3 7 1,161,080/542003 22 13 1 1 381,735/1442004 23 8 1 2 2 854,638/922005 29 18 3 9 1,051,339/712006 29 15 3 7 762,736/1122007 12 7 1 3 154/1,388 299,249/1762008 22 15 1 1 6 9 108,931/12 2,218,817/292009 13 7 130/187 158,399/196total 469 281 2 4 10 55 120 12,566,495nAtionWiDe toURYear events Played cuts Made 1st 2nd 3rd top 10 top 25 earnings/Rank1991 1 1total 1 1* Majors and World Golf championships are considered official on multiple tours*<strong>PGA</strong> toUR toP toURnAMent SUMMARYYear 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04masters cut cut t28 t43u.S. open t23 WD t17 cut t62 t12 cut t53British open cut 81 t37 WD t37 cut cutpga cut t6 t55 cut t44 cut WD t16 cut WDtHE pLaYErS cut WD cut cut t25 t38 WD cut t49 t62accenture match play championship t33 t33 t9ca championship 3 t48 cNLYear 05 06 07 08 09 10masterst44pga t10 WDtHE pLaYErS t63 t45 cut WDthe Barclayst12Deutsche Bank championshipcutBmW championship 2tour championshipt10ca championshipt61pgatour.com <strong>PGA</strong> <strong>TOUR</strong> 2011 Guide2-81

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