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CLASSIC DIAMONDMain focal point(s) Access Message visibility Traffic flow•Offers strongvisual presence•Requires one largemessage and severalequal smaller ones•Works well fordisplay of multiplesmall products• Simplicity andlack of walls drawpeople in• Lack of boundariesmeans visitors mightleave too soon• Central structureblocks view acrossbooth• Offers only one spotfor a single, highimpactstatement• Generally limitedspace for graphics• Requires carefulstaffing to encouragevisitors to explorewhole booth• Especially largecentral structurecan push visitorsout of boothCENTERPIECE•Works best when oneproduct or messageneeds spotlighting•Requires centralelement worthyof highlighting•Offers little flexibilityover time•Allows easy accessto focal point•Single focuscan’t hold attendees’interest long•Offers great impactfor main message•All graphicsmust supportmain message•Allows easy accessto main focus•Central focuscan attract somuch traffic tocause cloggingTHEATER•Layout drives allattention towardpresentation•Singular focusprevents highlightingof multiple products•Openness encouragesvisitors whodon’t like to ‘commit’to more enclosedpresentations•Offers no captureeffect•Allows strongmedium formessage delivery•Partitions can displaysmaller messages•Back of theaterpushes awaypotential visitors•Undecided visitorscan tie up aisle traffic•Quick exits afterpresentation difficultto preventCLUB•Attendees can’t seemain focus until theystep inside•Interior offers quietoff-floor environment•Exterior walls canattract attention anddeliver messaging•Allows completecontrol over entryand exit of visitors•Limited entrancesdiscourage walk-uptraffic•Exhibit wallsoffer huge canvasfor graphics•Confusion canresult if too manymessages plasteredon walls•Main entranceclogs easily ifbooth is popular•Staff can route trafficthrough key areasbefore allowing exit•Allows use ofmultiple productsand presentationmedia•Prevents highlightof one central focus•Different elementsact as draw fromdifferent sides•Disorder cankeep some visitorsfrom entering•Permits many levelsof messaging•Chaos can workagainst propermessage delivery•Confusing layoutcan be difficultto navigate•Traffic can clogat focal pointRANDOM DISPLAY•Offers open andinviting interior space•Allows all elementsto be seen at once•Doesn’t offer onestriking elementvisible from afar•Openness encouragesvisitors to wanderand explore•Visitors are free toleave as easily asthey enter•Allows placementof large displaygraphics•All product offeringsviewable and accessibleat once•Central elementscan draw too muchtraffic, causingclogging•Staff guides canenable smoothtraffic flowPLAZACOPYRIGHT EXHIBITOR MAGAZINEEXHIBITOR REPRINT— 4 OF 4 10 —

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