California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia


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must report the accident to DMV.The CHP or police will not makethis report.You must make this report within10 day on the Report of TrafficAccident Occurring in <strong>California</strong>(SR1) form. You can get this formfrom any DMV or CHP office. Thisform is also available on DMV’sweb site at www.dmv.ca.gov.Refer to the <strong>California</strong> Driver<strong>Handbook</strong> for more information.Check with your insurancecompany about your coveragebefore you buy or ride amotorcycle.EVADING A PEACEOFFICERAny person who willfully flees orattempts to evade a peace officerperforming his/her duties is guiltyof a misdemeanor punishable byimprisonment in a county jail fornot more than one year. (VC§2800.1)If a person is convicted ofcausing serious bodily injuryduring the course of a policepursuit (VC §2800.3[a]), he/she issubject to:• imprisonment in a state prisonfor three, five, or seven yearsor in a county jail for not morethan one year.• a fine of not less than $2,000nor more than $10,000.• both that fine andimprisonment.If a person is convicted of killinganyone during the course of apolice pursuit (VC §2800.3[b]),he/she is subject to imprisonmentin a state prison for four, six, orten years.TREAD LIGHTLY!The U.S. Forest Service (USFS),Bureau of Land Management(BLM), and <strong>California</strong> Departmentof Parks and Recreation wouldlike you to TREAD LIGHTLY!• Obtain a Travel Map from yourlocal USFS or BLM office, orregulations from other publicland agencies. Learn the rulesand follow them.• Avoid running over youngtrees, shrubs, and grasses—this can damage or kill them.• Stay off soft, wet roads andtrails readily torn up byvehicles.• Travel around meadows, steephillsides, or stream banks andlake shores easily scarred bychurning wheels.• Resist the urge to pioneer anew road or trail, or to cutacross a switchback.• Stay away from wild animalsthat are rearing young—orsuffering from food shortages.The stress uses up their limitedenergy reserves.• Obey gate closures andregulatory signs.• Stay out of designatedwilderness areas. Know wherethe boundaries are. Vandalismcosts tax dollars.• Get permission to travel acrossprivate lands. Respectlandowner rights.OSP 06 9448836

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