California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia


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an hour, at the end of that hour,at least one drink will remain inyour bloodstream.ALCOHOL AND THE LAWIn <strong>California</strong>, a person 21 yearsof age or older with a BAC of.08% or above is consideredintoxicated. It doesn’t matter howsober you may look or act. Abreath or blood test is whatusually determines whether youare riding legally or illegally.IMPORTANT: You cannot legallypurchase beer, wine, or hardliquor if you are under the age of21. The law is very strict if youare under 21 and drive with aBAC that is 0.01% or more.(VC §23136) The <strong>California</strong>Driver <strong>Handbook</strong> has moreinformation.Your chances of being stoppedfor riding under the influence ofalcohol are increasing. Lawenforcement is being stepped upacross the country in responseto the senseless deaths andinjuries caused by drinkingdrivers and riders.MINIMIZE THE RISKSMinimize the risks of drinking andriding by taking the followingsteps:Don’t Drink. Once you start, yourresistance becomes weaker.Or Don’t Ride. If you haven’tcontrolled your drinking, youmust control your riding.FATIGUERiding a motorcycle is more tiringthan driving a car especially on along trip. Avoid riding when tired.Fatigue can affect your controlof the motorcycle.• Protect yourself from theelements. Wind, cold, and rainmake you tire quickly. Dresswarmly. A windshield is worthits cost if you plan to ride longdistances.• Limit your distance.Experienced riders seldom tryto ride more than about sixhours a day.• Take frequent rest breaks.Stop and get off the motorcycleat least every two hours.• Don’t drink alcohol or use drugs.Artificial stimulants often result inextreme fatigue or depression asthey start to wear off. You won’tbe able to concentrate on the taskat hand.MOTORCYCLEINSURANCE FACTSThe financial responsibilitysections of the Vehicle Codeapply to all two-wheel vehicleowners and operators.If you, as an operator, areinvolved in an accident whichcauses more than $750 inproperty damage to one person,including yourself, or in whichanyone, including yourself, isinjured, no matter how slightly,you (or your insurance agent,broker, or legal representative)35

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