California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia


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moves up to the left portionof the lane and watches fora safe chance to pass. Afterpassing, this rider returnsto the right portion of thelane and opens up room forthe next rider.Some people suggest thatthe leader should move tothe right portion of the laneafter passing a vehicle. Thisis not a good idea. Itencourages the second riderto pass and return to thelane before there is a largeenough space cushion infront of the passed vehicle.It’s simpler and safer to waituntil there is enough roomahead of the passed vehicleto allow each rider to moveinto the same position heldbefore the pass.• Single-File Formation. Moveinto a single-file formationwhen riding curves, turning, orentering or leaving a highway.BEING IN SHAPE TORIDERiding a motorcycle is ademanding and complex task.Skilled riders pay attention totheir riding environment and tooperating the motorcycle,identifying potential hazards,making good judgments, andexecuting decisions quickly andskillfully. Your ability to performand respond to changing roadand traffic conditions isinfluenced by how fit and alertyou are. Alcohol and other drugs,more than any other factor, affectyour ability to think clearly andto ride safely. As little as onealcoholic drink can have asignificant effect on yourperformance.BLOOD ALCOHOLCONCENTRATIONBlood alcohol concentration orBAC is the amount of alcohol inrelation to blood in the body.Generally, alcohol can beeliminated in the body at the rateof almost one drink per hour. Buta variety of other factors may alsoinfluence the level of alcoholretained. The more alcohol inyour blood, the greater the degreeof impairment.Three factors play a major part indetermining BAC:• The amount of alcohol youconsume.• How fast you drink.• Your body weight.“One drink” is a 1 1/2-ounceshot of 80-proof liquor (even ifmixed with non-alcoholic drinks),a 5-ounce glass of 12% wine, or a12-ounce glass of 5% beer. These“one drink” equivalents changeif you drink ale, malt liquors, orfortified wines or if you drink onan empty stomach, are tired, sick,upset, or have taken medicines ordrugs.The faster you drink, the morealcohol accumulates in yourbody. If you drink two drinks in34

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