California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia


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sudden change in speed ordirection can cause a skid. Beas smooth as possible whenyou speed up, shift gears, turn,or brake.• Use Both Brakes. The frontbrake is still effective, even ona slippery surface. Squeeze thebrake lever gradually to avoidlocking the front wheel.Remember, gentle pressure onthe rear brake.• Remember That the Center ofa Lane Can be HazardousWhen Wet. When it starts torain, ride in a vehicle’s tiretracks. Often, the left tire trackwill be the best lane position,depending on traffic and otherroad conditions as well.• Watch For Oil Spots when youput your foot down to stop orpark. You may slip and fall.• Be Cautious of the Edge of theRoad. Dirt and Gravel collectalong the sides of the roadespecially on curves and rampsleading to and from highways.• Remember Rain Dries andSnow Melts Faster on SomeSections of a Road than onothers. Patches of ice tend todevelop in low or shaded areasand on bridges andoverpasses. Wet leaves are justas slippery as wet roadsurfaces. Ride on the leastslippery portion of the lane andreduce your speed.Cautious riders steer clear ofroads covered with ice or snow.If you can’t avoid an icy or snowysurface, keep your motorcyclestraight up and proceed as slowlyas possible. If you encounter alarge surface so slippery that youmust coast, or travel at a walkingpace, consider letting your feetskim along the surface. If themotorcycle starts to fall, you cancatch yourself. Be sure to keepoff the brakes. If possible,squeeze the clutch and coast.Attempting this maneuver atanything other than the slowestof speeds could prove hazardous.Railroad or Trolley Tracksand Pavement SeamsUsually it is safer to ride straightwithin your lane to cross tracks.Turning to take tracks head-on (ata 90° angle) can be moredangerous because your pathmay carry you into another laneof traffic.For track and road seams that runparallel to your course, move farenough away from tracks, ruts, orCROSSINGTRACKS-RIGHTCROSSINGTRACKS-WRONG27

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