California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia


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When you enter a freeway,drivers approaching from behindare more likely to see your turnsignal blinking and make room foryou.Using your turn signals beforeeach turn reduces confusion andfrustration for the traffic aroundyou. Once you turn, be sure toturn it off or a driver may pulldirectly into your path, thinkingyou plan to turn again.Brake LightYour motorcycle’s brake light isusually not as noticeable as avehicle’s—especially when thetaillight is on. If the situationpermits, help others notice youby flashing your brake lightbefore you slow down. It isespecially important to flash yourbrake light before you slow:• For a tight, fast turn off a highspeedhighway.• Where others may not expect it(in the middle of a block or atan alley).If you are being tailgated, it’s agood idea to flash your brakelight before you slow.Frequent mirror checks should bepart of your normal searchingroutine. Make a special point ofusing your mirrors:• When you are stopped at anintersection. Watch carscoming up from behind. If thedriver isn’t paying attention, hecould be on top of you beforehe sees you.• Before you change lanes. Makesure no one is about to passyou.• Before you slow down. Thedriver behind you may notexpect you to slow, or may beunsure about where you willslow. For example, you signal aturn and the driver thinks youplan to turn at a distantintersection, rather than at anearer driveway.BLIND SPOTSUsing Your MirrorsWhile it’s most important to knowwhat’s happening ahead, youcan’t ignore situations behindyou. Traffic conditions changequickly. In order to make safedecisions about how to handletrouble ahead, you must knowwhat is going on behind you.21

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