California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia


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Cars AlongsideDo not ride next to passengervehicles or trucks in other lanesif you don’t have to because youmight be in the driver’s blind spot.The driver could change laneswithout warning. Also, vehiclesin the next lane can block yourescape if you come upon dangerin your own lane. Speed up ordrop back to find a place clear oftraffic on both sides.BLIND SPOTSSEARCH, EVALUATE, andEXECUTE (SEE)Experienced riders remain awareof what is going on around them.They improve their ridingstrategy by using SEE, a threestepprocess for makingappropriate judgments andapplying them correctly indifferent traffic situations. SEEstands for: Search, Evaluate, andExecute.SearchActively search ahead, to thesides, and behind to help youavoid potential hazards. How yousearch and how much time andspace you have, can eliminate orreduce harm. Focus even more onfinding potential escape routes inor around intersections,shopping areas, or school andconstruction zones.Search for factors such as:• Oncoming traffic that may turnleft in front of you.• Traffic coming from either theleft, right, or behind.• Hazardous road conditions.EvaluateThink about how hazards cancreate risks for you. Anticipatepotential problems and have aplan to reduce risks.• Road and surfacecharacteristics such aspotholes, guardrails, bridges,telephone poles and treeswon’t move into your path butmay influence your ridingstrategy.• Traffic control devices such astraffic signals, regulatorysigns, warning signs, andpavement markings will helpyou evaluate circumstancesahead.16

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