California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia

California Motorcycle Handbook - Antevia


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of your lane. Riding any closercould put you in a hazardoussituation.Avoid being hit by:• The other vehicle—A slightmistake by you or the passingdriver could cause a sideswipe.• Extended mirrors—Somedrivers forget that their mirrorshang out farther than theirfenders.• Objects thrown fromwindows—Even if the driverknows you are there, apassenger may not see you andmight toss something on youor the road ahead of you.• Blasts of wind from largervehicles—They can affect yourcontrol. You have more room forerror if you are in the middleportion of the lane when hit bythis blast than if you are oneither the left or right portionsof the lane.Do not move into the portion ofthe lane farthest from the passingvehicle. It might invite the otherdriver to move back into yourlane too early.others. Keep a center-portionposition whenever drivers mightbe tempted to squeeze by you.Drivers are most tempted to dothis:• In heavy, bumper-to-bumpertraffic.• When they want to pass you.• When you are preparing to turnat an intersection.• When you are getting in an exitlane or leaving a highway.Merging CarsDrivers on an entrance ramp maynot see you on the highway. Givethem plenty of room. Change toanother lane if one is open. Ifthere is no room for a lanechange, adjust your speed toopen up space for the mergingdriver.MERGINGLane SharingCars and motorcycles each needa full lane to operate safely. Lanesharing is not safe.Riding between rows of stoppedor moving cars in the same lanecan leave you vulnerable. A carcould turn suddenly or changelanes, a door could open, or ahand could come out of a window.Discourage lane sharing by15

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