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S O C I A L D E V E L O P M E N T249the strategy was to raise the debate on female participation to a newlevel with a rhetoric that unapologetically assumes gender equalityand focuses on the removal of obstacles to that participation.This focus also extends beyond the <strong>UAE</strong>’s borders: the <strong>UAE</strong>Government, along with <strong>UAE</strong>-based NGOs led by the <strong>UAE</strong> RedCrescent, have contributed financially and in kind to assist manydeveloping countries and regions affected by natural disasters,armed conflicts and foreign occupation where women suffer frompoverty, dangerous diseases, violence, displacement and violationof human rights. Contributions were directed to the implementationof social development programmes and advancement of womenin these countries.The United Arab Emirates was re-elected to membership ofthe Women’s Committee of the UN Economic and Social Councilfrom 2006 to 2010.In 2007, 200 womenbenefited from thePolitical EmpowermentProgramme and areport entitled ‘TowardsWomens’ PoliticalEmpowerment in the<strong>UAE</strong>’ was jointly issuedby UNIFEM andwomen’s institutions inthe <strong>UAE</strong>.WOMEN IN THE WORKFORCEAlthough women are high achievers in the educational field andare well-represented in public sector employment, the challengeis to increase female participation in the private sector. Theconsensus is that national women stand an equal if not greaterchance of employment in the private sector, compared to men.‘These women are qualified, have effective communication skills,and are extremely confident’.There are several reasons, however, why the ratio of female tomale participation in the workforce is relatively low. Firstly, thenumber of males between the ages of 15 and 65 years (2.12million in 2005) far exceeds the female figure (838,941), mainlybecause foreign workers are predominantly male; secondly, somecompanies restrict the numbers of females employed; thirdly,<strong>UAE</strong> society is patriarchal and the changing of traditional viewsconcerning a woman’s place in the family is a slow process;fourthly, although women are well-represented at every educationallevel, it is no longer enough for women to gain a qualification –it is vital that what women choose to do in tertiary educationshould be relevant to the needs of the ever more technologically@www.uaeinteract.com/women

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