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S O C I A L D E V E L O P M E N T235HIGHER EDUCATIONThe <strong>UAE</strong> has established a diversified system of higher educationin a very short period of time. <strong>UAE</strong> citizens can attend governmentinstitutions free of charge, and a wide range of private institutionssupplement the public sector. Ninety-five per cent of all femalesand 80 per cent of all males who are enrolled in the final year ofsecondary school apply for admission to higher education.As far as higher education and scientific research is concerned,the major direction for federal public policy is to ensure the qualityof public and private academic programmes, further the role ofhigher education institutions, create harmony between the differentspecialities, and meet the requirements of the local communityand the national economy. This is to be achieved through thesuccessful graduation of qualified nationals who are able toeffectively compete for opportunities within the <strong>UAE</strong> job market.As the federal strategy points out, these policies can be realisedthrough the initiation of joint educational programmes betweenthe Ministry of Education and local education councils; upgradingthe level of General Secondary School Certificates’ graduates andthe application of alternative systems that better equip secondarystudents for university education; the revision of existing academicprogrammes to ensure compliance with the required high qualitystandards; the pursuance of international academic accreditation;the creation of partnerships with the corporate sector to ensure thatnational curricula and programmes are correctly focused in order tomeet the needs of the job market and thus provide students withthe appropriate skills; monitoring the performance of privateuniversities and colleges to ensure coordination with relevant localbodies; and the affiliation of local universities with recognisedinternational universities and the promotion of joint programmes.Again, the attainment of international standards and bestpractices are the guiding principles, with a focus on technologybeing a common thread in efforts to equip the younger generationwith the knowledge, understanding, skills and values to ensuretheir success in meeting individual and national developmentgoals for the <strong>UAE</strong>.@www.uaeinteract.com/uaeeducationFocus on technology isa common thread inefforts to equip theyounger generationwith the knowledge,understanding, skillsand values to ensuretheir success inmeeting individualand nationaldevelopment goals.

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