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S O C I A L D E V E L O P M E N T221the huge numbers of manual labourers that have been broughtin to the country to meet the massive demand for labour generatedby the recent construction boom. Under these circumstances,it has not always been easy to ensure that the workforce istreated properly, but it is hoped that implementation of federaland local strategies, new legislation, and recent enforcementinitiatives by the Ministry of Labour will go a long way towardsaddressing the issues.In particular, the <strong>UAE</strong> Government has been focusing on healthand safety concerns, the poor quality of accommodation, failureby companies to pay salaries promptly and the heavy burdenplaced upon workers as a result of the high fees and interestpayments demanded by recruitment agencies in their homecountries. Initiatives in these areas are being carried out inconsultation with, and in collaboration with, local government,and, where appropriate, with the governments of the countriesof origin.<strong>SOCIAL</strong> WELFARE BENEFITSDespite the economic boom, some vulnerable sections of <strong>UAE</strong>society find themselves in need of support. Over the past 20years, the number of people receiving monthly assistance hasfallen, but at the same time the average payment per recipienthas gone up sharply, reflecting a 75 per cent hike in the valueof payments to help combat the increased cost of living.Social security benefits in the form of financial assistance areadministered by the Ministry of Social Affairs. In addition practicalhelp is offered by the network of ministry-supported social centresrun by the General Women’s Union (see section on Women), andthe government-supported social welfare and rehabilitationcentres providing assistance to the disabled. <strong>UAE</strong> citizens arealso eligible for free or subsidised housing.The major direction for public policy within this area is tostrengthen the organisational role of the <strong>UAE</strong> Government andeffect the transfer from the social welfare approach to the socialdevelopment approach, thus integrating all beneficiaries in thedevelopment process and thereby maintaining the stability and@www.uaeinteract.com/welfare‘The 2007 amnestygranted to 176,000illegal workers allowedthem to legalise theirstatus in the <strong>UAE</strong>.Organisations such as theZayed Housing Programmeare instrumental in assisting inthe provision of housing for<strong>UAE</strong> nationals.

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