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220 U N I T E D A R A B E M I R AT E S Y E A R B O O K 2 0 0 8‘The United ArabEmirates is a land ofopportunity, and peoplecome here to realisetheir dreams’significantly to the growth of the economy. As the Minister ofEconomy, Sheikha Lubna, has pointed out: ‘The United ArabEmirates is a land of opportunity, and people come here torealise their dreams’. In order to keep pace with rapid economicgrowth, the <strong>UAE</strong> will continue to require large numbers ofexpatriate workers, particularly as economic diversification drivesexpansion into labour-intensive sectors such as tourism, realestate and medium and heavy industries.Abu Dhabi Executive Council Policy Agenda 2007/2008 clearlystates that effective management of labour resources constitutes acritical element in attracting and developing a skilled andflexible workforce capable of delivering upon the emirate’ssocial and economic vision. Mismanagement of labour resourceswould not only threaten the achievement of that vision, but couldtarnish the country’s international image. Most importantly, itwould be inconsistent with the values of Abu Dhabi and the <strong>UAE</strong>.The agenda stresses that while expatriate workers choose tocome to Abu Dhabi and benefit financially from that decision,such workers make an important contribution to the growth anddevelopment of the emirate that merits both recognition andthe promise of an ethical standard of treatment. The agendapromises that the government of the Emirate of Abu Dhabiintends to address labour management issues in a manner thatensures adequate protection for <strong>UAE</strong> national and foreignmembers of its working population.Dubai Strategic Plan 2015 also focuses on the provision ofequal treatment and acceptable working conditions for Dubai’sworkforce in order to attract and retain the required expertise.This, it says, will be achieved by coordinating with federal entitiesto improve and update labour laws and labour rights; establishingappropriate mechanisms for the enforcement of legislation; andraising employers' and employees' awareness of their legal rightsand responsibilities.Working ConditionsIn the past, concerns have been expressed regarding workingconditions for the labour force in the <strong>UAE</strong>, especially those of

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