Memorandum of Understanding with Unit 12 - Dpa - State of California

Memorandum of Understanding with Unit 12 - Dpa - State of California

Memorandum of Understanding with Unit 12 - Dpa - State of California


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10.2 Sick LeaveA. As used in this Section, "sick leave" means the necessary absence from duty <strong>of</strong> anemployee because <strong>of</strong>:1. Illness or injury, including illness or injury relating to pregnancy.2. Exposure to a contagious disease which is determined by a physician to requireabsence from work.3. Dental, eye, and other physical or medical examination or treatment by a licensedpractitioner.4. Absence from duty for attendance upon the employee's ill or injured mother,father, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, or sister, or any person residing in theimmediate household. Such absence shall be limited to five (5) work days peroccurrence or, in extraordinary situations, to the time necessary for care untilphysician, or other care can be arranged.B. On the first day <strong>of</strong> the monthly pay period following completion <strong>of</strong> each qualifying payperiod <strong>of</strong> service, each full-time employee in Bargaining <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>12</strong> shall earn eight (8) hours <strong>of</strong>credit for sick leave <strong>with</strong> pay. A full-time employee who has eleven (11) or more workingdays <strong>of</strong> service in a monthly pay period shall earn full sick leave credit. Absences fromstate service resulting from a temporary or permanent separation for more than eleven (11)consecutive working days which fall into two consecutive qualifying pay periods shalldisqualify the second pay period.C. Credit for less than full-time employees shall be computed as follows:1. Part-Time Employees. On the first day <strong>of</strong> the monthly pay period followingcompletion <strong>of</strong> each monthly pay period <strong>of</strong> continuous service, each part-timeemployee in Bargaining <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>12</strong> shall be allowed, on a pro rata basis, the fractionalpart <strong>of</strong> eight (8) hours <strong>of</strong> credit for sick leave <strong>with</strong> pay.2. Multiple Positions. Under this rule:a. An employee holding a position, in addition to other full-time employment<strong>with</strong> the <strong>State</strong>, shall not receive credit for sick leave <strong>with</strong> pay for service inthe additional position.b. Where an employee holds two (2) or more "less than full-time positions",the time worked in each position shall be combined for purposes <strong>of</strong>computing credits for sick leave <strong>with</strong> pay, but such credits shall not exceedfull-time employment credit.D. The department head or designee shall approve sick leave only after having ascertainedthat the absence is for an authorized reason and may require the employee to submitsubstantiating evidence including, but not limited to, a physician's certificate. If thedepartment head or designee does not consider the evidence adequate, the request for sickleave shall be disapproved.E. An employee shall not be required to provide a physician's verification <strong>of</strong> sick leave whenhe/she uses up to two (2) consecutive days <strong>of</strong> sick leave except when:1. the employee has a demonstrable pattern <strong>of</strong> sick leave abuse; or2. the supervisor believes the absence was for an unauthorized reason; or3. the employee has an above average use <strong>of</strong> sick leave.60BU <strong>12</strong>(99-01)

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