Memorandum of Understanding with Unit 12 - Dpa - State of California

Memorandum of Understanding with Unit 12 - Dpa - State of California

Memorandum of Understanding with Unit 12 - Dpa - State of California


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3. Employees shall be entitled to a night shift differential <strong>of</strong> fifty cents ($.50) per hourwhen four(4) or more hours <strong>of</strong> the regularly scheduled shift fall between midnightand 6:00 a.m. Shift premiums/differentials shall be payable only for hours actuallyworked and shall not be payable for non-work time such as vacation, sick leave, orother approved absences.B. However, for administrative ease, the parties agree that the above premiums shall bepaid at a combined rate <strong>of</strong> one dollar ten cents ($1.10) per hour.The hourly combined premium rate shall be paid for all hours actually worked, but not fornon-work time such as vacation, sick leave, or other approved leave.8.7 Twelve Hour Shift ScheduleA. Not<strong>with</strong>standing any other provisions <strong>of</strong> Article 8, there shall be an option for a <strong>12</strong>- hourshift <strong>with</strong> the following special work day and work shift. Upon IUOE request, a blind electionwill be held to determine if 85% <strong>of</strong> the rotating shift workers in that field division favor the <strong>12</strong>-hour shift schedule. If so, the <strong>12</strong>-hour shift shall be implemented.1. The twelve-hour shift schedule shall be the same as that currently in effect at theSan Luis and Delta Field Divisions. This is a 28 day rotating work shift comprised <strong>of</strong><strong>12</strong> and 8 hour work shifts. Twice during each 28 day rotation at the appropriate time4 hours <strong>of</strong> paid leave credit shall be used to supplement actual work time. Theemployee shall designate the type <strong>of</strong> such paid leave credit from holiday, personalleave, vacation or annual leave. However, at employee option he/she may be paidonly for hours worked. If the employee lacks any type <strong>of</strong> paid leave credit, he/sheshall be paid only for hours worked.2. Relief Assignment priorities:a. Use relief employee that is on scheduled day <strong>of</strong>f,b. Use relief employee on shift (short change) <strong>with</strong> a minimum <strong>of</strong> eight hoursnotice. Failure to provide at least eight (8) hours advance notice shall resultin the employee being paid one and one-half times the regular rate <strong>of</strong> pay forthe shift. This does not apply to call backs or shifts extended by an order toreport early or stay late.c. Use any other employee on scheduled day <strong>of</strong>f except employee on eight(8) day <strong>of</strong>f period.d. Use employee on eight (8) day <strong>of</strong>f period.3. A relief operator who is required to relieve on a scheduled <strong>12</strong>-hour shift shallqualify for an overtime meal when the employee is required to work 2 consecutivehours prior to or 2 consecutive hours after the shift he/she is required to relieve.4. The supervisor may require the employee to temporarily revert to a 5/8/40 workschedule when necessary (i.e. training, jury duty, military leave or anything thatwould require the employee to deviate from the <strong>12</strong>-hour shift).5. When an employee takes paid leave, i.e., vacation, sick leave, etc., their leavebalance will be charged the number <strong>of</strong> hours that they were scheduled to work.6. Once each 28 day rotation there is a string <strong>of</strong> four consecutive night shifts. Thework week shall begin four hours into the fourth consecutive night shift in theschedule.56BU <strong>12</strong>(99-01)

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