Memorandum of Understanding with Unit 12 - Dpa - State of California

Memorandum of Understanding with Unit 12 - Dpa - State of California

Memorandum of Understanding with Unit 12 - Dpa - State of California


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C. The differential will cease being paid upon termination <strong>of</strong> the qualifying HEMappointment.D. If, during the term <strong>of</strong> this Agreement, the <strong>State</strong> determines that a recruitment andretention differential is appropriate for additional locations and/or classes, the <strong>State</strong> mayimplement such change subject to the provisions <strong>of</strong> Section 24.1(b) <strong>of</strong> this Agreement.2.14 Recruitment and Retention Differential – DWR DispatcherA. A permanent, full-time employee in one <strong>of</strong> the following classifications may be eligible fora retention differential <strong>of</strong> up to $8,000 upon completion <strong>of</strong> <strong>12</strong> consecutive qualifying payperiods in one or a combination <strong>of</strong> the following classifications:Senior Water and Power DispatcherWater and Power DispatcherB. The decision to apply this differential and its amount will be based on management’sdetermination <strong>of</strong> the incentive necessary to retain employees. No employee will be entitledto a recruitment and retention differential more frequently than every <strong>12</strong> months.C. A recruitment differential up to $8,000 may be paid to a new hire to one <strong>of</strong> the aboveclassifications, if in management’s judgement it is necessary to <strong>of</strong>fer such incentive in orderto recruit individuals <strong>with</strong> appropriate experience.2.15 Recruitment and Retention, Department <strong>of</strong> CorrectionsA. <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>12</strong> employees who are employed at either Avenal, Chuckwalla, Ironwood, orCalapatria <strong>State</strong> Prison, Department <strong>of</strong> Corrections, for twelve (<strong>12</strong>) consecutive qualifyingpay periods after January 1, 1989 shall be eligible for a recruitment and retention bonus <strong>of</strong>$2,400, payable thirty (30) calendar days following the completion <strong>of</strong> every twelve (<strong>12</strong>)consecutive qualifying months. It is understood by the Union that the decision to implementor not to implement these annual recruitment and retention payments or monthlydifferentials or to <strong>with</strong>draw authorization for such payments or differentials, and the amount<strong>of</strong> such payments or differentials, rests solely <strong>with</strong> the <strong>State</strong> and that decision is notgrievable or arbitrable.B. Once an employee has begun a twelve (<strong>12</strong>) month period under the bonus, his/herparticipation in the program shall continue until the end <strong>of</strong> their twelve (<strong>12</strong>) month period.C. If an employee voluntarily terminates, transfers or is discharged prior to completingtwelve (<strong>12</strong>) consecutive months at the named prisons, there will be no pro rata payment forthose months at either facility.D. If an employee is mandatorily transferred by the department, he/she will be eligible for apro rata share for those months served.E. If an employee promotes to a different facility or department other than Avenal,Chuckwalla, Ironwood, or Calapatria <strong>State</strong> Prisons prior to completion <strong>of</strong> the twelve (<strong>12</strong>)consecutive qualifying months, there shall be no pro rata <strong>of</strong> this recruitment and retentionbonus.F. No bonus shall be paid, including pro rata shares, prior to February 1, 1990.15BU <strong>12</strong>(99-01)

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