Members Handbook 2002 - Centre d'Investigació i ...

Members Handbook 2002 - Centre d'Investigació i ...

Members Handbook 2002 - Centre d'Investigació i ...


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PreventionThere are a considerable number ofsections in OPA ‘90 that deal with theprevention of oil spills, includingprovisions relating to the issue oflicences to seafarers; manningstandards for foreign tank vessels; USvessel traffic service systems; gauging ofplating thickness; overfill, tank level andpressure monitoring devices; tankernavigation safety standards andmanning; and double hull requirementsfor tank vessels. This last provisionrequires the phasing out of single hullvessels by certain dates (depending onthe size and age of the tank vessels).Vessel Response PlansThe owners or operators of vessels over400 GT are required to have approvedplans for responding to a worst casedischarge of oil or hazardous substance,or substantial threat thereof. Such VesselResponse Plans (VRP) are required to beconsistent with the requirements of theNational Contingency Plan and AreaPlans and must:(i) identify a Qualified Individualhaving full authority to implementremoval actions;(ii) identify and ensure the availabilityof private personnel and equipmentnecessary to respond to a worstcase discharge or substantial threatthereof; and(iii) describe the training, andequipment testing, periodicunannounced drills and responseactions of the crew.VRPs have to be updated periodicallyand also have to be re-submitted forapproval after each significant change.35

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