Your Tactics Team This Week

Your Tactics Team This Week

Your Tactics Team This Week


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TACTICS»16 Tuesday, October 31, 2006 Angling Times<strong>Your</strong> tactics team <strong>This</strong> week: Richard Wilby, Mick Brown, John Wilson, Bob Nudd, Steve Ringer andBOB NUDDSILVERFISH SECRETSWhich pole float body shape iseasiest to hold backHow to polefish a flooded riverwith confidenceWhich bristles offer the mostsensitivityWhy carbon stems are morestable than wireWhich type of pole float to use forpresenting big baitsBOB’STOP 8FLOATSTHERE really is no need to overcomplicatethings when pickingpole floats for your river,canal or drain rigs. Regardlessof whether the river is tankingthrough or virtually stationary, or whetheryou wish to tackle a canal or drain’scentral track or far bank, you only needeight different patterns.Here are my top eightfloats that cover allthe eventualitiesyou will ever comeacross when polefishingfor silverfishin cold water.Whatever the state of the river, canal or drain, Bob Nuddsays that you only need eight pole float patterns» River floats1BROWNING NEVIS<strong>This</strong> is my absolute favourite riverpole float pattern. It is so versatile andit’s a great all-rounder that is capable ofso many things, depending upon the size youchoose.It has a remarkably long glass-fibre bristlethat offers great bite detection, but it also offersenough buoyancy to support a couple ofNo10 shot. <strong>This</strong> means that I can see the shotsettle and easily detect bites as the bait fallsthrough the final few inches of water.The pear-shaped body can be held backagainst the flow without the float riding outof the water, but this isn’t an ideal float forreally fast-flowing water though. Due to theenormous size range – from 0.2g to 5g – itis possible to use this float for bulk or on thedrop shotting patterns, plus regardlessof the river’s depth, there will be a sizeto suit.2BROWNINGRUSHMOURIf I am faced with a steady-paced riverand I know that bites are going to behard to come by, the diamond-bodiedRushmour would be my choice.<strong>This</strong> is another all-round pattern that can beheld back gently or eased through the swim, butwhat sets this float apart is its painted carbonbristle. Because it’s made from slender, solidcarbon it is extremely sensitive – it only takesa fish to breath on the bait and the float willregister it.In the lighter sizes – 0.10g to 0.5g – it isideal for shallower river stretches wherebaits presented on the drop produce. Abovethat weight, I would incorporate an olivette topush the bait down and stabilise the float.3BROWNINGSNOWDONAlthough very similar in looks to theNevis, the more rounded body of theSnowdon really lends itself to fastflowing water.The slightly chubbier body offers moreresistance against the surface, so it can beheld back quite hard allowing me to ease baitsthrough the swim.More often than not I will shot this floatpattern using an olivette to force the baitthrough the main flow, then follow this withtwo or three dropper shot.It has a glass-fibre antenna that offersmore than enough sensitivity to detectshy bites from smaller fish.4CRALUSSOIf I am faced with a river in spate, anextremely powerful flow and the need to fishall out for a bonus bream, tench or eel, thenthis beautifully made Cralusso float will be used.The moulded, grooved body causes the fast surfacewater to gush over the top, pushing the float downas it is held back hard. <strong>This</strong> enables me to presenta big bait like a whole worm well overdepthin even the worse river conditions.<strong>This</strong> float can only be shotted using a bigolivette and larger than average dropper shot,and when used inconjunction withchopped worm,casters and abaitdropper it canprove an extremelydeadly tool inthe right hands.

Angling Times Tuesday, October 31, 2006 17Martin BowlerNEXT PAGE: MARTIN BOWLER» Canal and drain floats ASK5BROWNING EVERESTMore often than not the Everest pole floatwill be my first choice for canal or drainwork. It is an extremely slender, extremelysensitive pole float that never flicks over and tangleswhen shipping a delicately shot pole rig out – itscarbon stem allows for more shotto be placed down the line,straightening the rig as itis pushed out.Its carbon bristleprovides the ultimate in bite registration,which is vital when you are faced witha difficult venue and you’re scratchingfor bites.Although this float pattern lendsitself perfectly to shirt button styleshotting patterns, the range covers0.8g and 1g sizes, so olivette rigscan be created for presentingbaits overdepth, in the centralreaches of the canal or drain.6BROWNING LOIRASimilar in looks to the Everest, theLoira differs greatly in that the stemis wire and the bristle is glass-fibreand much longer.I use this float when I need to fish avery delicate presentation using hardly anyshot down the line.Because the float has a wire stem, lessshot is needed to cock the balsa body,so a much finer rig can be created.The extra-long glass-fibre bristleis perfect for registering the tell-taleshot closest to the hook, so spottingbites as the bait nears the bottom isso easy.7BROWNINGEDGEIf I am faced with a veryshallow canal, the Edge floatwill be my first choice.<strong>This</strong> is a really short float having aslender body, a carbon stem and aglass-fibre bristle.The sizes range from 0.05g to 0.5g,which makes the float ideal forshirt-button style shotting patterns toprovide a really slow and natural fallof the hookbait.<strong>This</strong> is my favoured float for fishingsquatts or hemp on the drop onshallower drains and canals.BOBRELEASING POLESMy pole sectionsQ lock solid when theyare wet. Is there an easyway to release them?J Jeremy, HerefordYes there are two waysA to do this, with bothmethods needing threepeople, unfortunately!Two people must graba pole section each, gripit tightly and twist thepole sections in oppositedirections – not too harshlyjust enough to resist eachother’s twisting. The thirdperson should then eithertap the stuck joint with theback of the hand (like a karatechop) until the sectionscome free. Alternatively, thethird person should grip theHERE’S a unique chance to have Bob Nudd answer your river,canal and drain-related angling questions.Simply write your query on the back of a postcard or sealeddownenvelope and send to Bob Nudd’s Silverfish Secrets,Angling Times, Bushfield House, Orton Centre, PeterboroughPE2 5UW.joint and wobble it aroundin a circle, again until thejoint comes free.BAIT FOR DRAINSWhat is the best baitQ when fishing heavilycoloured drains?J Mills, CambsWhen drains are runningthrough, carrying Aextra rainwater you mustfish a substantial bait totempt anything that swims!One of the very best is alarge piece of lobworm presentedover chopped wormwith a few casters thrownin for good measure. Don’tcup the feed out as it willbe washed away – emptythe contents directly on thebottom with a bait-dropper.NET YOURSELF A BARGAIN!Discount Car Parts forHOOK PATTERNWhat is your favouritepattern of hook Qfor silverfish?S Staines, NottinghamI don’t think youA can find a betterall-round hook pattern thana Kamasan B511. <strong>This</strong> is awide-gape hook that neverseems to go blunt.The B511 is extremelylightweight, but if you needa slightly stronger hook fortargeting bonus fish I woulduse the B611. <strong>This</strong> is exactlythe same as the B511 butthicker and stronger.If I am fishing with taresI use the B512 – a bloodred version of the B511.<strong>This</strong> colour matches thehookbait perfectly.Audi Saab SeatSkoda BMW PeugeotCitroën Volvo MercedesPorsche Renault VolkswagenPREPARED:Being armed withpole rigs of differinglengths and weightsensures that Bob cantackle any river orcanal swim.8BROWNINGMARGINNo canal or drain angler shouldbe without a float similar to theMargin.It’s an extremely robust pattern that isabsolutely perfect for shipping out tight tothe far-bank features for those bonus roach,perch, eels and even carp or tench.The extended balsa body merges intoa short, bulbous sight tip that is not onlyeasy to see at distance, but also very buoyantso I can present bigger baits like large wormsections.Because this float is so short it never flicksover when shipping out to the far bank, andit’s also a very strong pattern. I also use itwhen fishing worm or sweetcorn forcommercial carp.52BranchesNationwideUP TO 70% OFF MRPFor more information or to order a copy of our2006 Car Parts Brochure call our National Hotlineon 0870 60 70 793 or visit our website.For Mail Order enquiries, please call 0208 917 3888.We now stock parts for all makes...www.gsfcarparts.com

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