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WATER: HEATING, APPLIANCES,WASTEWATERUse energy-efficient appliances (refrigerators,dishwashers, etc)Ensure that washing machines and dishwashers areused with full loads or use economy settingsTurn your thermostat downWhere possible use the cold wash settingUse environmentally friendly cleaning productsDiscourage staff from leaving water runningIdentify and prevent hazardous substances fromentering wastewater and stormwater systemsWASTE DISPOSAL AND RECYCLINGProvide adequate facilities for recycling paper, glass,aluminium, plastic and cardboardRaise staff awareness about recycling facilities in theoffice and on locationCollect organic waste and convert it to compost in a binReplace disposable products with durable alternativesSupport products with recycled contentAsk suppliers to take back packaging for large itemssuch as computers and furnitureRecycle printer cartridgesUse rechargeable batteries and dispose of batteriesproperlyMonitor the amount of waste going to landfillsProvide reusable, recyclable and/or biodegradableserving products, instead of Styrofoam and plasticproductsRecycle redundant computers, monitors and printersReturn redundant mobile phones, batteries and paintto retailers for recyclingDispose of any unavoidable waste safelyArt/Set Decoration/ConstructionSell or donate unwanted set materials to localtheatres, schools, acting schools or otherproductions before opting for disposalUse charities that are willing to pick up, recycle andreuse materialsWhere appropriate select paint and products withenvironmentally friendly labelsDispose of paints and other hazardous materials in aresponsible mannerWhere appropriate select products withenvironmentally friendly labelsUse recycled wood or wood from managed forestsRent or lease larger items such as furniture andcomputers as an alternative to purchasingCamera and SoundUnplug video players, television monitors andother similar equipmentWhen purchasing or renting equipment askabout energy-efficient alternatives or enquireabout more efficient ways to use the equipmentWhere quality allows, use digital processes forfilming and sound recordingAvoid sending waste film to landfills byasking your supplier about recycling or otherecofriendly optionsCateringEncourage the use of reusable cutlery, plates andcups rather than using disposable itemsBuy organic and locally grown food to help offsetgreenhouse gas emissions and other pollutantsassociated with the transportation of foodApply fair trade principles when selecting importedfood products e.g. coffee, tea, chocolate and bananasEnsure that recycling facilities are available onlocation, for plastic, glass, cans and metalsUse lunch locations as places to post notices andinform cast and crew of good environmental practicesEncourage the use of personal travel mugs todiscourage the consumption of disposable waxedpaper cupsDispose of liquid wastes, like cooking oil, at approveddisposal sites; DO NOT use storm drainsCostumePurchase second-hand or recycled clothing andaccessories when appropriateSupport <strong>Irish</strong> designers and manufacturers withenvironmental credentialsAvoid the use of garments and accessories made fromendangered speciesRepair and alter garments rather than buying newAvoid clothes requiring dry-cleaning processesPrefer dry-cleaners who use energy-efficient machinesand do not use the solvent perchloroethyleneRe-use coat hangers and plastic garment coversStore and recycle garments/costumes when possible... Reduce ... Reuse ... Recycle ..

Grip & ElectricReplace flickering, dim and burned out lampsWhen replacing light bulbs, replace with lowerwattage,longer life, cool lamps or energy-efficientalternatives such as fluorescentsUse dimmers to rest lights between setups ratherthan switching lights on and offEncourage the use of fluorescent lights for workareas on locationUse environmentally considerate textiles onframes instead of poly based materials for bounceand filtrationRecycle colour gels so that they can be used infuture productionMake-up & HairFavour make-up, hair and cosmetic brands that useless packagingWhere possible select make-up, hair and personalcare brands committed to avoiding animal testingand the use of ingredients that cause adverse healtheffects e.g. products that are cruelty-free and meetthe criteria of the Compact for Safe CosmeticsUse refills to avoid disposing of non-recyclable makeupcontainersInvestigate organic alternatives for make-up, haircare and personal hygiene productsHave recycling bins readily available to make-up staffAvoid the use of aerosols containing ozone-depletingsubstancesWhere possible purchase in bulk to avoidunnecessary travelPost-Production & VFXIf available and appropriate, use digital post-productionworkflow systemsAvoid tapeMake use of the energy saving features for equipmentand computersWhere compatible with clients, distribute projects anddemonstration reels on DVD or via other digital meansIn the office environment apply energy-efficiency, waterconservation and waste reduction practicesConsider appropriate water filtration systems whenprocessing filmSFX & StuntsReduce environmental impacts by using waterbasedsmoke fluidsWhere possible, use propane rather than liquidfuel for fire effectsRecycle scrap steel and aluminumRefer to Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) forartificial snow productsTransportationPlan to take only the trucks and technicalequipment needed for the day to locationProvide incentives for crew members to car poolDevelop environmentally responsible leasing/rentalpractices for vehicles to include fuel-efficiency andmaintenance practicesUse alternative fuel vehicles, e.g. hybrids, electric,ethanol or bio dieselPurchase the cleanest fuel availableMaintain appropriate tire pressureMonitor fuel-efficiency by tracking mileage andfuel consumptionInvestigate ways of reducing unnecessary travel,such as teleconferencing (video chat or audio)Raise crew awareness of fuel-efficient drivingDrive smoothly without harsh acceleration; speedingoff the mark can use up to 60% more fuelChange gears efficiently - changing gears at 1500 to2500 rpm can save up to 15% on fuelDon’t rev the engine unnecessarily - this wastes fueland increases emissionsKeep speeds down to optimise fuel consumptionAvoid unnecessary idlingConcentrate, look ahead and anticipate roadconditions and other people’s actions. This reducesthe need for hard braking and accelerationAvoid short journeys and only make essential carjourneys. Walking or public transit are always optionsShort journeys on a cold engine use up twice as muchfuel as a warm engine, producing more emissionsPlan journeys to avoid peak periods, roadwork,and getting lost... Reduce ... Reuse ... Recycle ..

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