Energetic Sub-Systems sector brochure - Chemring Group PLC

Energetic Sub-Systems sector brochure - Chemring Group PLC Energetic Sub-Systems sector brochure - Chemring Group PLC

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Energetic sub-systems of the highest quality and reliability, for a range of mission critical systemsEnergetic Sub-SystemsEnergetic and pyromechanical sub-systems of the highest qualityand reliability, for a range of mission critical systems1 EnergeticDelivering global protectionwww.chemring.co.ukSub-Systems Delivering global protection

<strong>Energetic</strong> sub-systems of the highest quality and reliability, for a range of mission critical systems<strong>Energetic</strong> <strong>Sub</strong>-<strong>Systems</strong><strong>Energetic</strong> and pyromechanical sub-systems of the highest qualityand reliability, for a range of mission critical systems1 <strong>Energetic</strong>Delivering global protectionwww.chemring.co.uk<strong>Sub</strong>-<strong>Systems</strong> Delivering global protection

<strong>Energetic</strong> <strong>Sub</strong>-<strong>Systems</strong><strong>Energetic</strong> sub-systems of the highest quality and reliability, for a range of mission critical systems<strong>Chemring</strong> is a world leader in the design and manufactureof high quality, high reliability, zero maintenanceenergetic sub-systems that meet the demandingrequirements of a range of mission critical systemsin the Aerospace and Defence markets.Aerospace Safety <strong>Systems</strong> PAGE 3CADs and PADs PAGE 4Commercial Aerospace PAGE 5Space PAGE 6Separation <strong>Systems</strong> PAGE 7Missiles PAGE 8Adjacent Products PAGE 10Capabilities PAGE 1 1<strong>Chemring</strong> is the exclusive supplier of pyromechanicalcomponents to Martin Baker, the world’s leadingmanufacturer of ejector seats.2Cover: <strong>Chemring</strong> supplies a number of criticalenergetic sub-systems to NASA and ULA,including those used on the Delta IV rocket.<strong>Energetic</strong><strong>Sub</strong>-<strong>Systems</strong> Delivering global protection

<strong>Energetic</strong> sub-systems of the highest quality and reliability, for a range of mission critical systemsAerospace Safety <strong>Systems</strong><strong>Chemring</strong> designs and manufactures a range of highly effective safety systemsused in emergency situations including crew egress. These products aresupported by our safety testing equipment, including communications andoxygen supply testing.Aircrew EgressWe are the exclusive supplier to Martin Baker, the world’s leading manufacturer of ejection seats, fittedinto over 80 different airframes worldwide, including the JSF F-35. We support the entire Martin Bakerseat range, supplying a number of complementary products used in their ejection seat deploymentsystems including, rocket propellant, canopy cords, time delay and actuation devices. High reliability andhigh performance within the egress sequence is essential. Martin Baker ejection seats, using <strong>Chemring</strong>components, are fitted to a wide variety of aircraft including: JSF, Typhoon, Rafale, Hawk and Tornado.Canopy RemovalCanopy cutting cords are used in a variety of military aircraft toassist in canopy break-up and removal, allowing safe escape during theemergency ejection process. <strong>Chemring</strong> actuators and thrusters are alsoused in canopy removal.Analog Recovery Sequencer<strong>Chemring</strong> manufactures the Analog Recovery Sequencer for theAdvanced Concept Ejection Seat. Our system, fitted into the seat,utilises multiple pyromechanical devices including percussion primers,dual electrical bridgewires, linear explosive lines and hot gas systems toinitiate the ACES II ejection seat system.Other <strong>Chemring</strong> egress components include:• Time Delay Devices• Parachute Release mechanisms• Ejection Seat Mortar Cartridges• Rocket Charges• Squibs and Electric IgnitersCanopy cutting cords are fitted to the Hawk T1A,operated by the Red Arrows display team.www.chemring.co.ukACES II ejection seat deployment, moments after canopy removal.<strong>Energetic</strong> <strong>Sub</strong>-<strong>Systems</strong> 3

<strong>Energetic</strong> sub-systems of the highest quality and reliability, for a range of mission critical systemsCADs and PADs<strong>Chemring</strong> designs and manufactures Cartridge Actuated Devices (CADs) and PropellantActuated Devices (PADs) used for a variety of functions including crew egress andweapon sub-systems. These products can also be used to start turbines and engines,as part of explosive ordnance disposal systems or for decoy dispersion and missilegyroscope energisation. Actions can be summarised as follows:• Puncturing containers(e.g. to release high pressure gas)• Pushing mechanical loads (e.g. opening valves)• Locking a device to prevent rotary or linear motion• Releasing a device to enable rotary or linear motion• Operating a sprinkler bulb• Operating a switch or delay• Cutting wires or small boltsPin Pullers and Pin PushersAlso known as protractors and retractors, our Pin Pullers and PinPushers are controlled-release mechanisms used in applicationsrequiring instant detachment of structural fittings, mechanisms,rods, cables, booms or parachutes. After functioning as structuraldevices and carrying full tensile or shear loads, these productsrelease upon command by an attached <strong>Chemring</strong> initiator. Fullretraction or protraction of the pin is achieved by pressurized gasdriving against the piston pin.ActuatorsActuators are highly reliable, compact single shot devices whichcan push, pull, cut or shear with a power-to-weight ratio in excess of10,000:1. They operate within milliseconds of receiving the appropriateelectrical impulse, a rate which is almost impossible to achieve witha mechanical source of energy. Actuators are ideal for remotecontrolled applications.Ejection Release UnitsCartridge Ejection Release Units (CERUs) provide gas pressure tooperate Aircraft Ejector Release Units (EJUs), for stores ejection oncombat aircraft.Gas GeneratorsGas Generators are self-contained units that can either be electricallyor percussion operated. Typical operating times vary between 25milliseconds to 250 seconds with operating temperatures in the range of-32°C to + 60°C. Specialised propellants can be incorporated to extendthe temperature range from -54°C to +150°C. Typical applications include:• Fluid Displacement• Liquid Fuel Igniters• Pressurisation of hydraulic power supplies• Ejection Release Units• Buoyancy Devices• Inflation of flame retardant fabric structuresOther CAD / PADs• Igniters and Fuseheads• Detonators• Cutters• Explosive Bolts• Release / Low Shock Bolts• Separation Nuts• Detent Actuators‘Metron’ Actuators.Gas Generators.4 <strong>Energetic</strong> <strong>Sub</strong>-<strong>Systems</strong> Delivering global protection

<strong>Energetic</strong> sub-systems of the highest quality and reliability, for a range of mission critical systemsSpaceSeparation <strong>Systems</strong>As a trusted supplier of space qualified components, <strong>Chemring</strong> products are designed to operate underextreme conditions. Our Separation <strong>Systems</strong> can reliably undertake a range of mission critical functions, withguaranteed levels of performance and reliability. Such functions might include the release of structures orcomponents such as multi-stage launch vehicles, separation of nose cones and capsules, or the release ofbooster rockets, tanks and other jettison equipment.Pyrotechnic Separation NutsGeneral features include lightweight, high-load capability, extremely lowshock output with complete gas and particle containment. These nutsactuate on very low pressure with large bolt insertion tolerance.<strong>Chemring</strong> also supplies ultra-low shock separation nuts, using asimilar design.Non-Pyrotechnic Separation NutsWe have developed an extreme low-shock output, non-explosiveseparation nut. These nuts are actuated by a miniature electric motoron low energy with large bolt insertion tolerance. Unique featuresinclude 25 times resettable and reusability and no need for disassembly.Separation BoltsOur separation bolts are designed and manufactured for use inapplications where rapid structure separation is demanded. <strong>Chemring</strong>’sSeparation Bolts have been fully qualified for fairing separation on theATLAS and DELTA launch vehicles. Bolts do not fragment; rather, theyseparate into two parts, one of which is ejected from the structure.Cutters (Bolt, Rod and Cable)<strong>Chemring</strong> cutters are designed for robustness and can be used in spaceas well as in deep submergence applications, for cutting reefing lines,electrical cables, steel cables or aluminium, titanium and steel boltsor rods. Over the past 20 years, our cutters have demonstrated highreliability on countless earth-orbital missions. <strong>Chemring</strong> cutters are builtwith the option to be single blade or mechanically redundant.Sample range of Separation and Release Units.Non-Pyrotechnic Electric Separation Nuts.www.chemring.co.uk<strong>Energetic</strong> <strong>Sub</strong>-<strong>Systems</strong> 7

<strong>Energetic</strong> sub-systems of the highest quality and reliability, for a range of mission critical systemsMissiles<strong>Chemring</strong> supplies a wide range of components supporting a number of critical missile,bomb and torpedo programmes across an international military customer base.Launch and Fly<strong>Chemring</strong> manufactures actuators, retention mechanisms, motors and weapon release cartridges to enable arange of ‘Launch and Fly’ activities. Typical cartridge operating times are from 0.01 seconds to 10 seconds withoperating temperatures from -32°C to +60°C, although specialised propellants can be incorporated to extend therange from -54°C to +150°C. Other valves and separation systems allow fluid/gas flow and enables sequencedlaunch and fly events.Firing CablesLow altitude firing cables that are 360° shielded for EMC/EMIprotection.Piston ActuatorsUsed to crush a fuze, in order to start an explosive train or to arma Safe and Arm device.Bridgewire InitiatorsLow voltage, dual hot bridgewire cartridges that initiate numerouscomponents on a platform, including ignition of a gas generator formissile launch.Separation NutsTo attach the aft of a missile to a shipping canister or capsule launchingsystem and to restrain it until initiation.Cable CuttersElectrically initiated cable cutters sever electrical cable bundles eitherprior to launching, or during flight.High-pressure Pneumatic CylindersThese are used to start a sequence of control surface deployments,such as opening an inlet door to a sustainer motor.Lug Retraction DevicesUpon actuation of a cartridge, a spring loaded spreading rod extends toretract lugs into the missile body to reduce its radar cross section.Wing and Tail Retention MechanismsUsed to retain missile wings/tails during storage. Upon actuation, afrangible pin fails allowing missile wings/tails to rotate into a deployedorientation.Wedge Retention MechanismsDesigned to hold aerodynamic features in place during flight. Uponinitiation, features are allowed to release from the missile.The Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) uses a rangeof flight components, including our wing retention mechanisms,shown above.The Tomahawk cruise missile uses a number of <strong>Chemring</strong>components within its launch sequence.8 <strong>Energetic</strong> <strong>Sub</strong>-<strong>Systems</strong> Delivering global protection

<strong>Energetic</strong> sub-systems of the highest quality and reliability, for a range of mission critical systemsMissilesPyromechanical Valves<strong>Chemring</strong> supplies a number of pyromechanical valves, designed to be lightweight and reliable, which arecritical to the liquid and gaseous fluid systems for complex missile programmes. Valves can be either designedin a ‘normally open’ or ‘normally closed’ configuration, which ensures that valve combustion gases are fullycontained. Valves are typically associated with fuel flow and are initially designed to isolate fuel during storage,by sealing it within the fuel tank. Upon actuation, these valves allow unrestricted fuel flow to the missile and inparallel, unrestricted flow of pressurized air back into the fuel tank. Our valves are also employed in missile Divertand Attitude Control (DAC) systems.Safe & Arm Units (SAUs) and Flight TerminationOur electro-mechanical safe arm devices provide dual explosive output for remote safing/arming andsubsequent initiation of ordnance items. Our fully qualified products are suitable for system use and target droneapplications. <strong>Chemring</strong> designed, developed and qualified the SAD-505 for the US Air Force F-4 target drone.Qualified to MIL-STD-1516, this device provides remote arm and dual initiation for ordnance products. It featuresremote indication status and remote or manual safing.<strong>Chemring</strong> supplies a range of valves to critical missile programmes, including the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) programme.<strong>Chemring</strong> supplies a range of Safe and Arm units, including electronic Safe and Arm fuzes for the PAC-3 (Patriot Advanced Capability) programme.www.chemring.co.uk<strong>Energetic</strong> <strong>Sub</strong>-<strong>Systems</strong> 9

<strong>Energetic</strong> sub-systems of the highest quality and reliability, for a range of mission critical systemsMissilesRelated Products<strong>Chemring</strong> also supplies rocket motors, with a strong track record in fuze and warhead design,manufacture and integration. In addition, we offer alternative devices (not based upon pyrotechnics orpyromechanisms) which perform similar functions, such as our electronic firing systems.Rocket Motors and WarheadsWe are a manufacturer of single and two-stage rocket motors for launch and fly applications and have a trackrecord as sole-source supplier to the shoulder launched NLAW programme (Next Generation Light Anti-tankWeapon). We also manufacture and supply warheads, leading development of Insensitive Munitions and LowVulnerability Ammunition (IM/LOVA) technology.Other Electronic <strong>Sub</strong>systemsElectronic Safe Arm FuzeOur electronic Safe Arm Fuze utilizes an Exploding Foil Initiator (EFI)and is the first fully electronic, range qualified, flight termination system.EFIs provide short, precision firing times. Our system is a dual-mode,single-channel, fully electronic safe arm fuze with a removable keylockassembly. Its function is to preclude premature arming and consequentinitiation of the detonator during transportation, handling, pre-launchand launch conditions. It also functions when commanded to terminateflight (missile destruct) during missile fly out.Acoustic Firing DevicesAcoustic Firing Devices are part of essentially non-magnetic equipmentused in the proximity of magnetic influence ordnance. It providesUS Navy divers with a safe firing system for underwater demolitionoperations.<strong>Chemring</strong> supplies rocket motors and other missile components including warheads to a range of missile programmes including2.75” air launched rockets and shoulder launched systems.Electronic Safe Arm Unit.Acoustic Fire Code Transmitter Electronics Unit.10 <strong>Energetic</strong> <strong>Sub</strong>-<strong>Systems</strong> Delivering global protection

Pyromechanical <strong>Energetic</strong> components sub-systems of the highest quality and reliability, for a range of mission critical systemsCapabilitiesAdvanced Design & Manufacturing• Mechanical, electronic and chemical engineers• CNC lathes with swing to 580mm• 4 and 5 axis vertical machining centres• Dual spindle mill / turns• Thread roller and EDM• On-site test and inspection facilitiesHigh Quality Assembly (Electronics & Ordnance)• Spray and dip conformal coating• Wave and precision soldering• Laser optics assembly• Pyrotechnic blending and loading• Glass-to-metal sealing• Ceramic grinding• Welding (TIG, projecting, stitch and laser)• Precision mechanical assemblyComprehensive Space Environmental Testing Centre• Complete in-house testing capabilities• Dynamics testing• Climatic testing• Vibration/shock• Thermal temperature age testing• X-ray/non-destructive• Ordnance test centreRaw Material Supply• HMX and HMX formulations• RDX and RDX formulations• NTO and NTO formulations• HNS• Butyl-NENA and similar NENAs• IM/LOVA propellants• Lead Azidewww.chemring.co.uk11<strong>Energetic</strong> <strong>Sub</strong>-<strong>Systems</strong>

<strong>Energetic</strong> sub-systems of the highest quality and reliability, for a range of mission critical systems<strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong><strong>Chemring</strong> House1500 ParkwayWhiteleyFarehamHampshireUnited Kingdom PO15 7AFTel: +44 (0)1489 881880Email: info@chemring.co.ukIssue 2 © <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong> 2013The information in this document is the property of <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong> and may not be copied or communicated to a third party or used for any12purpose other than that for which it is supplied without the express written consent of <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong>. This information is given in good faith basedupon the latest information available to <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong>; no warranty or representation is given concerning such information, which must not betaken as establishing any contractual or other commitment binding upon <strong>Chemring</strong> <strong>Group</strong> <strong>PLC</strong> or any of its subsidiary or associated companies.<strong>Energetic</strong><strong>Sub</strong>-<strong>Systems</strong> Delivering global protection

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