ECSU Magazine 2.1.pmd - Elizabeth City State University

ECSU Magazine 2.1.pmd - Elizabeth City State University

ECSU Magazine 2.1.pmd - Elizabeth City State University


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on the movefaculty• Dr. Carolyn R. Mahoney, Provost and ViceChancellor for Academic Affairs, presented aninvited talk entitled “The Role of MathematicalContent in Professional Development” at the JointAnnual Meeting of the American MathematicsSociety and the Mathematical Association ofAmerica in January 2003, in Baltimore, MD.Dr. Carolyn R. Mahoney also published a paper,“Mathematics Education in Rural Communities: AMathematician’s View” and presented it at theAppalachian Collaborative Center for Learning,Assessment, and Instruction in Mathematics(ACCLAIM) Research Initiative Symposium held atRavenwood Castle near McArthur, OH inNovember 2002. Dr. Mahoney’s paper was one ofsix papers presented at the symposium that wasalso selected to be presented at the NationalCouncil on Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)Research Pre-Session in San Antonio, TX in April2003. Provost Mahoney’s paper will appear in theRural Mathematics Educator.• Dr. Camellia M. Okpodu, the former Marshall A.Rauch Distinguished Professor (Biology) and Mr.Moses McDaniel (Biology), presented a paperentitled “A Cyanide Sensitive, Hydrogen PeroxideInsensitive Superoxide Dismatose in GalderiaSulphuraris” at the Eighth Annual Hampton<strong>University</strong> (VA) Research Symposium.• Dr. Malikah Abdullah, Visiting Scholar, (Biology)presented a paper on “Diversity in Research andScience” for Black History Month at <strong>Elizabeth</strong> <strong>City</strong><strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>.• Dr. John Charles White, Geoscientist (Geological,Environmental, and Marine Sciences), presentedan abstract “Variations in Alkali Feldspar/MeltTrace-Element Partitioning during Fractionation ofPeralkalic Quartz Trachyte-Rhyolite Suites” at ajoint meeting of the South-Central andSoutheastern Sections of the Geological Society ofAmerica in Memphis, TN.• Dr. James McClenon (Social Sciences) publisheda journal article entitled “Content Analysis of anAnomalous Experience Collection: EvaluatingEvolutionary Perspectives” in the Journal ofParapsychology, 66, 2002, 291-316, and published abook review: The Secret Teaching of the Espirtistas: AHidden History of Spiritual Healing, by HarveyMartin in the Journal of the American Society forPsychical Research 94, 2000, 94-97.• Dr. Flora Bryant Brown (Social Sciences)published two book reviews in the Spring 2003volume of Journal of North Carolina Historians.The reviews are of Jon F. Sensbach, A SeparateCannan: The Making of an Afro-Moravian World inNorth Carolina, 1763-1840, UNC Press; and GlendaGilmore, Gender and Jim Crow: Women and Politics ofWhite Supremacy in North Carolina, UNC Press.Dr. Flora Bryant Brown (Social Sciences) also wasnamed Volunteer of the Year (2002-03) by H. L. TriggCommunity School at the Annual <strong>Elizabeth</strong> <strong>City</strong>-Pasquotank Public Schools CommunityRecognition Night in <strong>Elizabeth</strong> <strong>City</strong>, NC. She alsoserved as facilitator at the UNC Teaching andLearning with Technology Conference inGreensboro, NCbriefs18 <strong>ECSU</strong> MAGAZINE FALL 2003

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