spring-integration-r.. - Spring Web Services - Parent - SpringSource

spring-integration-r.. - Spring Web Services - Parent - SpringSource spring-integration-r.. - Spring Web Services - Parent - SpringSource

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Spring IntegrationIf you want to expose a channel for a single common operation to be invoked by Messages that neednot contain headers, then that option works well.Operation Invoking outbound GatewaySimilar to operation-invoking-channel-adapter Spring Integration also provides operation-invokingoutbound-gatewaywhich could be used when dealing with non-void operations and return value isrequired. Such return value will be sent as message payload to the 'reply-channel' specified by thisGateway.Another way of provideing the 'reply-channel' is by setting MessageHeaders.REPLY_CHANNELMessage HeaderMBean ExporterSpring Integration components themselves may be exposed as MBeans whenthe IntegrationMBeanExporter is configured. To create an instance of theIntegrationMBeanExporter, define a bean and provide a reference to an MBeanServer anda domain name (if desired). The domain can be left out in which case the default domain is"org.springframework.integration".Once the exporter is defined start up your application with-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=6969-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=falseThen start JConsole (free with the JDK), and connect to the local process on localhost:6969 toget a look at the management endpoints exposed. (The port and client are just examples to get youstarted quickly, there are other JMX clients available and some offer more sophisticated features thanJConsole.)The MBean exporter is orthogonal to the one provided in Spring core - it registers message channelsand message handlers, but not itself. You can expose the exporter itself, and certain other components inSpring Integration, using the standard tag. The exporter has a coupleof useful metrics attached to it, for instance a count of the number of active handlers and the number ofqueued messages (these would both be important if you wanted to shutdown the context without losingany messages).2.1.6.RELEASESpring IntegrationReference Manual 111

Spring IntegrationMBean ObjectNamesAll the MessageChannel, MessageHandler and MessageSource instances in the application are wrappedby the MBean exporter to provide management and monitoring features. For example, MessageChannelsend The generated JMX object names for each component type are listed in the table belowTable 8.1.Component TypeMessageChannelMessageSourceMessageHandlerObjectNameorg.springframework.integration:type=MessageChannel,name=

<strong>Spring</strong> IntegrationMBean ObjectNamesAll the MessageChannel, MessageHandler and MessageSource instances in the application are wrappedby the MBean exporter to provide management and monitoring features. For example, MessageChannelsend The generated JMX object names for each component type are listed in the table belowTable 8.1.Component TypeMessageChannelMessageSourceMessageHandlerObjectNameorg.<strong>spring</strong>framework.<strong>integration</strong>:type=MessageChannel,name=

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