Erratum to: Genetic characterization of betanodavirus isolates from ...

Erratum to: Genetic characterization of betanodavirus isolates from ...

Erratum to: Genetic characterization of betanodavirus isolates from ...


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<strong>Genetic</strong> <strong>characterization</strong> <strong>of</strong> new <strong>isolates</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>betanodavirus</strong> 1545Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree <strong>of</strong><strong>betanodavirus</strong>es sequenced inthis study based on nucleotidesequence similarity <strong>of</strong> fulllength-RNA2. Note that the<strong>isolates</strong> <strong>from</strong> India in this studyare grouped along with theRGNNV clusterinfection used in this study seem <strong>to</strong> exhibit high genetichomology and belong <strong>to</strong> a single genotype, as is evident<strong>from</strong> the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1). They were grouped in<strong>to</strong> a single cluster <strong>to</strong>gether with <strong>isolates</strong> <strong>from</strong> the RGNNVspecies. It is currently believed that RGNNV is the onlyspecies whose members prefer the tropical temperatureprevailing in India. From these observations, it was concludedthat the <strong>isolates</strong> <strong>from</strong> this study belong <strong>to</strong> theRGNNV species <strong>of</strong> <strong>betanodavirus</strong>.The environmental and physical conditions <strong>to</strong> which thefish are subjected are known <strong>to</strong> affect the severity <strong>of</strong> <strong>betanodavirus</strong>infection. Generally, disease is observed more<strong>of</strong>ten in marine fish at earlier stages <strong>of</strong> life. However, suchinferences cannot be drawn <strong>from</strong> the present data. Acuteinfection was observed in all age groups <strong>from</strong> larvae <strong>to</strong>yearlings at 4-32 ppt salinity. A salinity preference <strong>of</strong> thevirus was not apparent in the present study, as both latentand acute <strong>isolates</strong> were seen in low- as well as high-salineenvironments. The nucleotide sequence data also show that<strong>isolates</strong> <strong>from</strong> the two environments did not significantlydiffer at the molecular level. Acute infection was observedat higher water temperature (28 °C), but an association inthis regard can be drawn only after conducting experimentsunder controlled conditions.The observation that the <strong>betanodavirus</strong>es in India belong<strong>to</strong> the RGNNV species raises concerns <strong>to</strong> the boomingaquaculture industry in this country. Members <strong>of</strong> this speciesare known <strong>to</strong> have the widest host range <strong>of</strong> all the fishnodaviruses, and latently infected fish pose more <strong>of</strong> a threat<strong>to</strong> aquaculture as asymp<strong>to</strong>matic carriers, which can spreadthe virus <strong>to</strong> a naïve environment. Acute infection wasobserved in farms, whereas latent infection was observed inwild environments as well. However, more study is needed<strong>to</strong> determine the local transmission route <strong>of</strong> the virusresulting in acute infection, as the seabass culture in India issustained by both hatchery production and wild collection<strong>of</strong> seeds. The occurrence <strong>of</strong> <strong>betanodavirus</strong>es in the wildenvironment where no commercial fish culture activitieshave been launched suggests a wider distribution <strong>of</strong> thevirus in nature. Horizontal transmission <strong>from</strong> carrier fish inthe wild or vertical transmission <strong>from</strong> parents, or both, mayhave contributed <strong>to</strong> the spread <strong>of</strong> <strong>betanodavirus</strong> in farms.Acknowledgment Assistance provided by Dr. K.P. Jithendran,Central Institute <strong>of</strong> Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai, <strong>to</strong>wardsgeneration <strong>of</strong> nucleotide sequence data is acknowledged.References1. Azad IS, Shekhar MS, Thirunavukkarasu AR, Poornima M,Kailasam M, Rajan JJS, Ali SA, Abraham M, Ravichandran P(2005) Nodavirus infection causes mortalities in hatchery producedlarvae <strong>of</strong> Lates calcarifer: first report <strong>from</strong> India. DisAquatic Org 63:113–1182. Breuil G, Pepin JFP, Boscher S, Thiery R (2002) Experimentalvertical transmission <strong>of</strong> nodavirus <strong>from</strong> broodfish <strong>to</strong> eggs and123

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