Activities for the Wireless Dynamics Sensor System - Vernier ...

Activities for the Wireless Dynamics Sensor System - Vernier ...

Activities for the Wireless Dynamics Sensor System - Vernier ...


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<strong>Activities</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Dynamics</strong> <strong>Sensor</strong> <strong>System</strong>Mission to Titan – InvestigatingSurface CompositionThe Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and its moons began back in October 1997 with alaunch from Cape Canaveral. Seven years later on Thursday, July 1, 2004, <strong>the</strong> Cassiniorbiter with its Titan probe Huygens (see Figure 1), went into orbit around Saturn. OnChristmas Day 2004 <strong>the</strong> 318 kg Huygens probe was released from <strong>the</strong> orbiter and enteredTitan’s atmosphere on January 14, 2005, landing shortly afterwards on this moon’ssurface. The Huygens probe, named after <strong>the</strong> Dutch physicist and astronomer ChristiaanHuygens (1629 – 1695) who discovered Titan in 1655, was designed to investigateTitan’s atmosphere and surface. One experiment involved investigating <strong>the</strong> compositionof Titan’s surface. As <strong>the</strong> Huygens probe made contact with <strong>the</strong> surface of Titan, a <strong>for</strong>cesensor (or penetrometer) collected data that was to give scientists an idea of <strong>the</strong>composition of Titan’s surface. A graph of this data is show in Figure 2.Figure 1Courtesy Planetary and Space SciencesResearch Institute, The Open University,Milton Keynes, UKFigure 2Courtesy Ru<strong>the</strong>r<strong>for</strong>d AppletonLaboratory Space Electronics Groupand <strong>the</strong> Planetary and Space SciencesResearch Institute at <strong>the</strong> OpenUniversityIn this activity, you will create a penetrometer using <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>ce probe on <strong>the</strong> WDSS. Yourtask will be to generate model graphs of various surfaces that you will compare with <strong>the</strong>data received from <strong>the</strong> Huygens’ probe to <strong>for</strong>m a hypo<strong>the</strong>sis as to <strong>the</strong> surface compositionof Titan.© 2007 - <strong>Vernier</strong> Software & Technology 15

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