TENDER NOTICE E-mail address: adm@irpmu.railnet.gov.in Tel.: + ...

TENDER NOTICE E-mail address: adm@irpmu.railnet.gov.in Tel.: + ... TENDER NOTICE E-mail address: adm@irpmu.railnet.gov.in Tel.: + ...

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TENDER NOTICEE-mail address: adm@irpmu.railnet.gov.in Tel.: +91-11-2341 2260 /2341 2294Fax: +91-11-2341 2556Tender Notice No.: IRPMU/W/2008/147/ Portable VSAT (Disaster Management)Dated: 17.02.09Tender No : 147/ 2008Chief Administrative Officer, Indian Railway Project Management Unit, New Delhi, for and on behalf ofthe President of India invites sealed Open tenders from the competent and experienced contractors havingsufficient experience in similar work as per following details.Name of Work: Design, supply, installation, testing andcommissioning of 25 Nos. remote quick deployablesuitcase type portable VSATs along with accident sitecommunication interface system on Accident ReliefTrains for disaster management over Indian RailwaysRs. 19,99,45,672/-Estimated Cost of work(Rs. Nineteen crore ninety nine lakhs forty fivethousand six hundred seventy two only)Rs 1149730/-Earnest Money(Rupees eleven lakh forty nine thousand seven hundredthirty only)Price of Tender Docs(Non refundable):Rs 10000.00(Rupees Ten Thousand only)Forwarding Charges(if required by post / courier)Rs 500.00(Rupees five hundred only)Completion Period:6 MonthsSale of Tender Documents 27/02/2009 to 01/04/2009Last Date / Time of TenderReceiptTender Opening Date / TimePlace of OpeningValidity of Offer02/04/2009 up to 1400 Hrs02/04/2009 at 1430 Hrs.In the office of CAO/IRPMU, IRCOT complex, ShivajiBridge, New Delhi.Six months from date of opening.Tenders without Earnest Money will be summarily rejected.Further particulars and Tender form can be obtained from the office of CAO/IRPMU, IRCOT Complex,Shivaji Bridge, New Delhi on payment of Rs. 10000/- or Rs. 10500/- if required by post. The moneyshould be deposited in the form of demand draft/pay-order from a Nationalized/Scheduled Indian Bankdrawn in favour of Dy. FA & CAO/IRPMU, IRCOT Complex, Shivaji Bridge, New Delhi. HoweverIRPMU office will not be responsible for any delay. Cost of tender document is not refundable and tenderdocument is not transferable. Tender document can also be downloaded from IRPMU’s websitewww.irpmu.railnet.gov.in. Tenderer submitting downloaded tender document, should submit cost oftender document as given above in the form of Pay order/Demand Draft from a Nationalized/ScheduledIndian Bank drawn in favour of Dy FA & CAO / IRPMU New Delhi. Payment to contractor shall bemade through EFT/ECS.

<strong>TENDER</strong> <strong>NOTICE</strong>E-<strong>mail</strong> <strong>address</strong>: <strong>adm@irpmu</strong>.<strong>railnet</strong>.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>in</strong> <strong>Tel</strong>.: +91-11-2341 2260 /2341 2294Fax: +91-11-2341 2556Tender Notice No.: IRPMU/W/2008/147/ Portable VSAT (Disaster Management)Dated: 17.02.09Tender No : 147/ 2008Chief Adm<strong>in</strong>istrative Officer, Indian Railway Project Management Unit, New Delhi, for and on behalf ofthe President of India <strong>in</strong>vites sealed Open tenders from the competent and experienced contractors hav<strong>in</strong>gsufficient experience <strong>in</strong> similar work as per follow<strong>in</strong>g details.Name of Work: Design, supply, <strong>in</strong>stallation, test<strong>in</strong>g andcommission<strong>in</strong>g of 25 Nos. remote quick deployablesuitcase type portable VSATs along with accident sitecommunication <strong>in</strong>terface system on Accident ReliefTra<strong>in</strong>s for disaster management over Indian RailwaysRs. 19,99,45,672/-Estimated Cost of work(Rs. N<strong>in</strong>eteen crore n<strong>in</strong>ety n<strong>in</strong>e lakhs forty fivethousand six hundred seventy two only)Rs 1149730/-Earnest Money(Rupees eleven lakh forty n<strong>in</strong>e thousand seven hundredthirty only)Price of Tender Docs(Non refundable):Rs 10000.00(Rupees Ten Thousand only)Forward<strong>in</strong>g Charges(if required by post / courier)Rs 500.00(Rupees five hundred only)Completion Period:6 MonthsSale of Tender Documents 27/02/2009 to 01/04/2009Last Date / Time of TenderReceiptTender Open<strong>in</strong>g Date / TimePlace of Open<strong>in</strong>gValidity of Offer02/04/2009 up to 1400 Hrs02/04/2009 at 1430 Hrs.In the office of CAO/IRPMU, IRCOT complex, ShivajiBridge, New Delhi.Six months from date of open<strong>in</strong>g.Tenders without Earnest Money will be summarily rejected.Further particulars and Tender form can be obta<strong>in</strong>ed from the office of CAO/IRPMU, IRCOT Complex,Shivaji Bridge, New Delhi on payment of Rs. 10000/- or Rs. 10500/- if required by post. The moneyshould be deposited <strong>in</strong> the form of demand draft/pay-order from a Nationalized/Scheduled Indian Bankdrawn <strong>in</strong> favour of Dy. FA & CAO/IRPMU, IRCOT Complex, Shivaji Bridge, New Delhi. HoweverIRPMU office will not be responsible for any delay. Cost of tender document is not refundable and tenderdocument is not transferable. Tender document can also be downloaded from IRPMU’s websitewww.irpmu.<strong>railnet</strong>.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>in</strong>. Tenderer submitt<strong>in</strong>g downloaded tender document, should submit cost oftender document as given above <strong>in</strong> the form of Pay order/Demand Draft from a Nationalized/ScheduledIndian Bank drawn <strong>in</strong> favour of Dy FA & CAO / IRPMU New Delhi. Payment to contractor shall bemade through EFT/ECS.

The eligibility criterion for the tenderer is as follows:1. The tenderer should have completed successfully at least one work of similar nature to that of thistender cost<strong>in</strong>g not less than 35% of advertised value of the tender, <strong>in</strong> the last three f<strong>in</strong>ancial years(i.e. current year and three previous f<strong>in</strong>ancial years.) Mean<strong>in</strong>g of similar work for this tender is asunder:“Supply, Installation, test<strong>in</strong>g and commission<strong>in</strong>g of VSAT based Video/voice/datacommunication network”2. As a proof of sufficient f<strong>in</strong>ancial capacity and organizational resources, contractor should havereceived total payment aga<strong>in</strong>st satisfactory execution of completed/ongo<strong>in</strong>g works (of all types)dur<strong>in</strong>g preced<strong>in</strong>g three years as per current ITCC/Audited Balance Sheet of a value not less than150% of the advertised cost of work.If the tenderer/s deliberately give(s) wrong <strong>in</strong>formation whose credentials/documents <strong>in</strong> his/their tendersand thereby create(s) circumstances for acceptance of his/their tender, railway reserves the right to rejectsuch tender at any stage, besides, shall suspend the Bus<strong>in</strong>ess for one year.Tender forms complete <strong>in</strong> all respect with all credentials, duly sealed <strong>in</strong> an envelop, super-scrib<strong>in</strong>g thename of the work should be deposited <strong>in</strong> the tender box allotted for the purpose <strong>in</strong> the office ofCAO/IRPMU, IRCOT Complex, Shivaji Bridge, New Delhi. Tenders duly sealed <strong>in</strong> prescribed mannercan also be sent through registered post so as to reach office of CAO/IRPMU not later than date and timespecified <strong>in</strong> the Notice. Any tender received after the specified time is liable to be rejected.Note:1. Tender Forms are non transferable.2. The tender notice & tender document can also be seen at official website of IRPMU"www.irpmu.<strong>railnet</strong>.<strong>gov</strong>.<strong>in</strong>".(Vivek Kumar)Dy. CSTE/TN/IRPMUIRCOT Complex, Shivaji Bridge,New Delhi-110001For and on behalf of the President of IndiaCopy to:1- C.P.R.O. / NCR for publication of Tender Notice.2- CSTE/NCR/ALD3- Dy. FA & CAO/IRPMU for nom<strong>in</strong>ation of Official for open<strong>in</strong>g the tender.4- Notice Board/IRPMU5- Notice Board/N.C. Rly. HQs office.

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