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<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACKDIRECTIONS TO <strong>THE</strong> TRACKFrom North or South (M62)You need to be on the M62, which extends between Manchester and Leeds. Leave at Junction 24 &go to the main roundabout. Here you’ll find a Hilton Hotel.Take the A629 to Halifax.This takes you under the motorway down a dual carriageway for about 2 miles.Turn left at the Traffic Lights and immediately left again on to Stainland Road A6112.About 400 yards along this road you go under a railway bridge, the entrance to the track is just afterthis on the left. West Vale Sports Ground, now the home of YRCMCRC.Directions from Halifax Town CentreTake the A629 towards Huddersfield and the motorway.Pass the General Hospital on the right, down the hill past “The Quays” Premier Lodge on the right.Take the next right down the slip road just before the traffic lights, on A6112 Stainland.Continue straight on at mini roundabout.About 400 yards along this road you go under a railway bridge, the entrance to the track is just afterthis on the left. Look for the sign saying West Vale Sports Ground on the left.Please be aware that cars must not be driven on the football pitch under any circumstances!6 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACK8 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACKGENERAL <strong>RULES</strong><strong>HPI</strong> reserve the right to adjust the rules (in the interest / spirit) of the <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge at any time.All Countries MUST Select a Team Manage / Representative.If you have a dispute during the <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge World Finals, you must contact your Team Managerwho will discuss your problem with Frank McKinney.Confirmations of rules can be attained and / or confirmed by Frank McKinney.Serious breaches of the <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge Rules or aggressive/threatening behaviour could result in acompetitor been disqualified and asked to leave the meeting immediately. In these seriouscircumstances, the meeting will be stopped until the competitor has left the circuit premises.General Rules:• The official language of the <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge will be English. Translators will attend the <strong>HPI</strong>Challenge to help those who do not speak English - All distributors are asked to support theirdrivers with specific translation problems and / or miss-understandings if that situation occurs.• No sponsored or supported “Team” drivers in the RS4 Sport Class and the RS4 Nitro StockClass.• <strong>HPI</strong> Factory Sponsored Drivers will not be allowed to compete in the <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge series.• No electronic gyros allowed at any time.• Bad/aggressive driving will result in Driver warnings from race control or the Race Referee. If baddriving is repeated a 10-second penalty followed by the loss of your FTD will be issued.• Coaching of drivers (during races) is not allowed.• Mobile phones are not allowed on the rostrum or to be used while marshalling.• Swearing is not allowed at any time.• Transmitters – We will have a radio impound all weekend, the operations of which will beexplained during the driver registration and briefing.OPTION PARTSThe following ‘Other Manufactures Parts’ may be used in the <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge, as we understand thatthey do not make any difference to the performance of our cars.All parts used MUST be commercially available.General-purpose parts such as• Spur gears and pinion (although the number of teeth MUST be clearly marked / indented)• Turnbuckles, hinge pins, screws and ball studs• Clip-on motor heatsinks in Electric classes only• Fuel pipes, fuel filters and air filters for Nitro cars only• Any glow plug can be used• Screws, lock-nuts and washers• <strong>HPI</strong> Gear Diff Adjustment Spring Set (Pt No. 72215)• Ariel tubes and mounts• Battery pack retaining straps (i.e. Velcro straps)• Body pins and transponder solders• Shock spacers (to adjust ride height)See individual Class Rules for details of other option parts that may be used.Other items apart from what’s listed above will be judged legal or illegal by the race organizer on theday.9 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACKSCRUTINEERING• Every car must be scrutineered before the race meeting starts.• Every car will be scrutineered after each qualifying and final run.• If a car fails scrutineering, you will lose the qualifying time from that round only.• The decision of the Chief Scrutineer is final.• All Transmitters will be held in the Transmitter Compound on the Rostrum during the racemeeting.MARSHALLING• Drivers MUST marshal the Heat / Final immediately after your race.• Marshals must wear the orange bibs provided (this is so we can clearly see you at yourmarshalling posts)• If you do not marshal you will lose your FTD (Fastest Time of the Day).• Do not leave your ‘Marshal Post’ until you’ve been relieved.RACE <strong>FOR</strong>MATThe <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge uses a standard IFMAR type FTD (Fastest Time of the Day) Qualifying and Finalsrace format.If the weather affects racing, we reserve the right to change to ‘Round by Round’ qualifying.Each Class has a designated race time (please check individual Class rules).Every driver will have a minimum of 3 Rounds of Qualifying.The following Staggered Starts will be used in:• Round 1 Numbers 1 – 10• Round 2 / 3 / 4 Fastest Time of the Day• Finals Grid Start, Numbered 1 – 10CHAMPIONSHIP POINTSNo Points are awarded from qualifying.All Electric Classes will run Triple Finals.Nitro Class A Finals will run longer Finals (see class rules for details).The best 2 scores from the your (Electric only) Finals count.Scoring will be based on the most laps done in your two best Finals.10 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACKPRIZESThe Prize-Giving Ceremony and Trophy Presentation will be held at the Track - Approximately 1 hourafter the last final finishes.Each Class Winner receives:• A large “<strong>HPI</strong> Challenge World Champion” Trophy• Invite to attend the VIP Tour on the Monday following the race.• Brand-new <strong>HPI</strong> Kit (Top 3 in every Class)• Various Prizes supplied by the <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge sponsorsThere will be Trophies for each Class Top Qualifying (TQ) driver.Class Winners at the World Finals will be crowned - <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge 2004 World ChampionThere will be 7 Class Winners at the World Championships.<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> WORLD CHAMPIONS 2003 - CLASS WINNERSThe <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge 2003 World Championship Class Winners are as follows:RS4 Micro (Demo Class) Wijaya Lim USARS4 Electric Sport Werner Puchas AustriaRS4 Electric Pro Werner Spannbruckner AustriaRS4 Nitro Stock Balint Rajki HungaryRS4 Nitro Modified Setsuya Kobayashi JapanRS4 Super Nitro Michael Collins USA11 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACKCONCOURS DE ‘ELEGANCESponsored by Mitsubishi MotorsA Concours de ‘Elegance competition will be held during the World Final.All competitors must enter their cars.The winner of the Concours competition will win a new <strong>HPI</strong> Kit and trophy.NITRO ENGINE RULINGYou can run only these <strong>HPI</strong> engines in the Nitro Modified and Super Nitro Modified classes in the <strong>HPI</strong>Challenge:• #1300 12R XS Engine with SG Shaft• #1301 12R XS Engine with Normal Shaft• #1623 12R SC• #1626 12R SS• #1627 12R SS with Pullstart• #15101 Nitro Star T-15 Engine• #1617 Nitro Star 18SS Engine• #1615 Nitro Star 15FE Engine• #1600 Nitro Star 15SS• #1610 Nitro Star 15SC• #1605 Nitro Star 15(to be confirmed) ONLY <strong>HPI</strong>, Hot Bodies and Team Orion exhausts and manifolds may be used withthese engines.See individual ‘Nitro Classes’ for specific rules were applicable.NOTE: Nitro Stock engines and exhausts are restricted; please see the specific rules for this class.12 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACKHANDOUT EQUIPMENTWhen you arrive at the World Finals, book in and collect your Handout Equipment from <strong>HPI</strong>. Collectyour <strong>HPI</strong> Handout Equipment from the Collection Point near the Rostrum.Electric Class drivers collect the following equipment:• Electric Sport and Electric GTi class racers will collect one marked <strong>HPI</strong> Saturn Motor• Electric Sport, Electric GTi and Electric Pro class racers will collect 2 pairs of <strong>HPI</strong> Control Tyres#4435 B15-40• Super Electric class racers will have a handout motor supplied by LRP Electronics• Super Electric class racers will collect 2 pairs of <strong>HPI</strong> Super-size tyres #4598 33RElectric class notes:• Super Electric class racers will provide their own <strong>HPI</strong> Super-size wheels. Racers will provide theirown inserts. Any inserts may be used.• All Electric class racers will provide their own <strong>HPI</strong> wheels. Racers will provide their own inserts.Any inserts may be used.Nitro Class drivers collect the following equipment:• Nitro Stock class racers will collect 2 pairs of <strong>HPI</strong> Control Tyres #4435 B15-40• Nitro Modified class racers will collect 1 pair of 40 shore <strong>HPI</strong> Pro Foam Tyres (26mm front) and 1pair of 37 shore <strong>HPI</strong> Pro Foam Tyres (30mm rear)• Super Nitro Modified class racers will collect 2 pairs of <strong>HPI</strong> Super-size tyres #4598 33RNitro class notes:• Nitro Stock class racers will provide their own <strong>HPI</strong> wheels. Racers will provide their own inserts.Any inserts may be used.• Nitro Modified class racers will be allowed to use any combination of <strong>HPI</strong> Pro Foam Tyres duringqualifying and finals; #4435 B15-40 tyres and any inserts may be used if there is rain on the track(#4435 tyres will not be provided)• Super Nitro Modified class racers will provide their own <strong>HPI</strong> Super-size wheels. Racers willprovide their own inserts. Any inserts may be used in this class. Any <strong>HPI</strong> Super-size tyres may beused in this class.• Fuel and fuel bottles for Nitro racers will be provided for running in your engines ONLY during thepractise times on the Friday schedule. The handout fuel will be Tornado 16% racing fuel.13 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACK<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS - QUALIFICATIONThe following Classes will be organised at the <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge World Final in England.• RS4 Electric GTi Class• RS4 Electric Sport Class• RS4 Electric Pro Class• RS4 Super Electric Class• RS4 Nitro Stock Class• RS4 Nitro Modified Class• RS4 Super Nitro Modified Class**Please note that the rules and race format at the World Finals will differ slightly from the rules usedat other <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge races. Specific problems with ‘Rules’ and ‘Classes’ will be addressed after theWorld Finals through your Countries Distributor and with assistance from <strong>HPI</strong> Staff**There are several ways to Qualify for the <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge 2004 World Finals.• European racers, qualification is through your National Series (see individual series forconfirmation)• US racers, please contact <strong>HPI</strong> USA for details• Asian racers, qualification is through your National Series• All other entries from around the World are on a ‘first come, first served basis’.• Please check out the www.hpiracing.com or www.hpi-europe.com or www.hpiracing.co.jp websites for information related to the race.<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS - COSTSRacers who qualify for the <strong>HPI</strong> Challenge World Finals through their National Series will receive freeentry to the World Finals.All other racers must pay 25 Euros or 20 GB Pounds per class at the time of registration.Entry costs include registration for each class, plus 2 pairs of tyres, and a handout motor or supply ofhandout fuel for the weekend.14 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACKQUALIFYING and FINALSMinimum of 4 Rounds of QualifyingFTD QualifyingStagger Starts5 Minute RacesCARStandard Sprint GTi EP cars onlyMax Width = 200mmMinimum Weight Limit = 1500g• Ballraces are allowed as direct replacement for standard bushings• Standard Kit Springs must be used• No cutting, drilling or making structural changes is allowed at all• Note – using 3mm Offset Wheels can make the cars too wideBODYSHELLSAny <strong>HPI</strong> Sprint GTi bodyshells are legal<strong>HPI</strong> Foam Bumpers may be usedAll Bodyshells and Wings must be cut out and mounted as standard, unless otherwise agreedHANDOUT TYRESB15-40 <strong>Racing</strong> Belted Slick # 4435Belt may not be removed from tireAny tyre inserts can be used<strong>HPI</strong> 26mm wide wheels only are allowed2 x 5mm (maximum) size holes may be made in the wheels for venting/coolingMOTORS<strong>HPI</strong> Saturn 20T Control Motor only # 1136• You cannot modify the motors in any way (internally or externally)• You cannot ‘cut’, ‘shape’ or ‘drill’ the brushes• You cannot tune or bend the brush springs• Motors can be cleaned or serviced / oil can be usedMotors will be checked by the scrutineers trackside. There will be no gearing limit.PLEASE NOTEIn the interest of fairness, at any time a ‘Saturn Control Motor’ may be exchanged (only by the <strong>HPI</strong>Challenge Co-ordinator request), stripped and checked by a <strong>HPI</strong> Scrutineer!!If this unlikely situation occurs a replacement motor will be supplied “Free of Charge”, unless ofcourse the original motor has been purposefully tampered with to gain performance. In this case noexchange motor will be given, a 1-off warning issued to the driver and the motor will need to bereplaced at the driver’s expense!! You have been warned!!!BATTERIESAny commercially available sub-C size batteries are legal. Maximum number of cells allowed is 6.Maximum battery capacity will be limited to 3300mAh (cells must be clearly labelled).15 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACKQUALIFYING and FINALSMinimum of 4 Rounds of QualifyingFTD QualifyingStagger Starts5 Minute RacesCARStandard Sprint EP and Sprint 2 cars onlyMax Width = 200mmMinimum Weight Limit = 1500g• Ballraces are allowed as direct replacement for standard bushings• Standard Kit Springs must be used• No cutting, drilling or making structural changes is allowed at all• Note – using 3mm Offset Wheels can make the cars too wideBODYSHELLSAny 190mm or 200mm <strong>HPI</strong> Bodyshells are legal (Note: Dodge Stratus + Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peakbodies are not allowed)<strong>HPI</strong> Foam Bumpers may be usedTouring Car Rear Wing Set (# 7115) or standard wings may be used. Max Width 190mm.All Bodyshells and Wings must be cut out and mounted as standard, unless otherwise agreed.HANDOUT TYRESB15-40 <strong>Racing</strong> Belted Slick # 4435Belt may not be removed from tireAny tyre inserts can be used<strong>HPI</strong> 26mm wide wheels only are allowed2 x 5mm (maximum) size holes may be made in the wheels for venting/coolingMOTORS<strong>HPI</strong> Saturn 20T Control Motor only # 1136• You cannot modify the motors in any way (internally or externally)• You cannot ‘cut’, ‘shape’ or ‘drill’ the brushes• You cannot tune or bend the brush springs• Motors can be cleaned or serviced / oil can be usedMotors will be checked by the scrutineers trackside. There will be no gearing limit.PLEASE NOTEIn the interest of fairness, at any time a ‘Saturn Control Motor’ may be exchanged (only by the <strong>HPI</strong>Challenge Co-ordinator request), stripped and checked by a <strong>HPI</strong> Scrutineer!!If this unlikely situation occurs a replacement motor will be supplied “Free of Charge”, unless ofcourse the original motor has been purposefully tampered with to gain performance. In this case noexchange motor will be given, a 1-off warning issued to the driver and the motor will need to bereplaced at the driver’s expense!! You have been warned!!!BATTERIESAny commercially available sub-C size batteries are legal. Maximum number of cells allowed is 6.Maximum battery capacity will be limited to 3300mAh (cells must be clearly labelled).16 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACKQUALIFYING and FINALSMinimum of 4 Rounds of QualifyingFTD QualifyingStagger Starts5 Minute RacesCARSprint, Sprint 2, RS4 Pro 3 and Pro 4 cars onlyMax width = 190mmMinimum Weight Limit = 1500g• Any <strong>HPI</strong> hop up options allowed• Note – using 3mm Offset Wheels will make the cars too wide• No cutting, drilling or making structural changes is allowed at allBODYSHELLSAny 190mm wide <strong>HPI</strong> bodyshells are legal (Note that 200mm bodyshells are not allowed).Touring Car Rear Wing Set (# 7115) or standard wings may be used. Max width 190mm.All bodyshells and wings must be cut out and mounted as standard, unless otherwise agreed.HANDOUT TYRESB15-40 <strong>Racing</strong> Belted Slick # 4435Belt may not be removed from tyreAny tyre inserts can be used<strong>HPI</strong> 26mm wide wheels only are allowed2 x 5mm (maximum) size holes may be made in the wheels for venting/coolingMOTORSAny commercially available 540-size brushed modified motor is allowed. Motor must have 12 or moreturns. Motors will be checked by the scrutineers trackside. There will be no gearing limit.BATTERIESAny commercially available sub-C batteries are legal. Maximum number of cells allowed is 6.Maximum battery capacity will be limited to 3300mAh (cells must be clearly labelled).17 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACKQUALIFYING and FINALSMinimum of 4 Rounds of QualifyingFTD QualifyingStagger Starts5 Minute RacesCARSuper RS4 (electric) cars only• No Minimum Weight Limit• No cutting, drilling or making structural changes is allowed at all• Any turnbuckles/tie rods may be used• <strong>HPI</strong> #50451 (nuts for threaded shocks) and #A132 (steel balls for shocks) may be used• Any <strong>HPI</strong> springs may be used• Foam or plastic pieces to secure batteries may be added to chassis as long as they do notmake the chassis stiffer• Lower front shock towers may be used (as provided with Toyota GT-One and BMW V12 LMRbodies)BODYSHELLSAny Super Size <strong>HPI</strong> Bodyshells (Note: #7552 Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak bodies are not allowed)Standard wings may be used, only if supplied with bodyAll bodyshells and wings must be cut out and mounted as standard, unless otherwise statedHANDOUT TYRESAny <strong>HPI</strong> Super Size tyres may be usedBelt may not be removed from tireAny tyre inserts can be used<strong>HPI</strong> ‘Super Size’ wheels MUST be used2 x 5mm (maximum) size holes may be made in the wheels for venting/coolingAny traction additive may be usedMOTORSA handout LRP 17T motor will be used. Motors will be checked by the scrutineers trackside.There will be no gearing limit.BATTERIESAny commercially available sub-C batteries are legal. Maximum number of cells will be 6.Maximum battery capacity will be limited to 3300mAh (cells must be clearly labelled).18 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACKQUALIFYING and FINALSMinimum of 4 Rounds of QualifyingFTD QualifyingStagger Starts5 Minute RacesCARRS4 Nitro 3, Nitro 3 Evo cars onlyMax Width = 200mmMinimum Weight Limit = 1700g• <strong>HPI</strong> black “progressive” springs only Part No. 6836• Ballraces are allowed as direct replacements for standard bushings• 2 speed gearboxes may be used in the Nitro Stock Class Part No. 86038• <strong>HPI</strong> fibre brake disk can be installed Part No. A844• No other modifications apart from those listed below in these rules• All Nitro Cars MUST BE fitted with a FAIL-SAFE unitBODYSHELLSAny 200mm <strong>HPI</strong> Bodyshells are allowed (Note: Dodge Stratus / Suzuki Pikes Peak bodies are notallowed).<strong>HPI</strong> foam bumpers may be used.Touring Car Rear Wings Set (# 7115) or standard wings may be used.All bodyshells and Wings must be cut out and mounted as standard, unless otherwise stated.AIR HOLESA 50mm hole is allowed in the front window, side and rear windows may be cut as requiredOther holes may be cut for engine heatsink heads, large air filters and access to the glow plug onlyHANDOUT TYRESB15-40 <strong>Racing</strong> Belted Slick # 4435Belt may not be removed from tireAny tyre inserts can be used<strong>HPI</strong> 26mm wide wheels only are allowed2 x 5mm (maximum) size holes may be made in the wheels for venting/coolingAny traction additive may be usedENGINEThe standard <strong>HPI</strong> 15FE and T15 engines may be used• <strong>HPI</strong> optional engine heatsink heads may be used.• Clutch shoe and spring components (# A886) may be fitted.• All other components within the engine (including exhaust) must remain standard. E.g. Noengine / carb / crank boring, grinding, removing parts etc.• The engine’s pull start or Roto-Start must work at all times.<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>Racing</strong> holds the right to inspect any engine at any time. The engine may be inspected by <strong>HPI</strong><strong>Racing</strong> technicians and returned within 7 days with a ruling.GEAR RATIOS2 speed gearbox is allowed Part No. 86038Optional <strong>HPI</strong> engine mounts may be used to suitHardened differential outdrives may be used Part No. 72133FUELHandout fuel will be provided for qualifying and finals. It will be Tornado 16% fuel.<strong>HPI</strong> fuel tanks must be used (75cc maximum size).Fuel tubing from fuel tank to engine must not be longer than 20cm in length.19 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACKQUALIFYING and FINALSMinimum of 4 Rounds of QualifyingFTD QualifyingStagger Starts5 Minute RacesCARRS4 Nitro 3, Nitro 3 SS, RS4 Nitro 3 Evo and RS4 R40 carsMax Width = 200mmMinimum Weight Limit = 1700g• Any <strong>HPI</strong> parts are allowed• No structural changes allowed• All Nitro Cars MUST BE fitted with a FAIL-SAFE unitBODYSHELLSAny 200mm <strong>HPI</strong> Bodyshells are legalTouring Car Rear Wings Set (# 7115) or standard wings may be usedAll bodyshells and Wings must be cut out and mounted as standard, unless otherwise statedAIR HOLESA 50mm Hole is allowed in the front window, side and rear windows may be cut as requiredOther holes may be cut to allow engine heatsink heads, large air filters and access to the glow plugonlyHANDOUT TYRESAny foam tyre compound in the <strong>HPI</strong> Pro Foam Tyre range may be used26mm Front tyres / 30mm Rear tyres only<strong>HPI</strong> #4435 B15-40’s may be used in the wet (they will not be provided, belt may not be removed, anytyre inserts may be used)Any traction additive may be usedENGINEPlease see the Nitro Engine Ruling (page 12) for the list of legal <strong>HPI</strong> engines(to be confirmed) <strong>HPI</strong> / Hot Bodies / Team Orion exhausts and manifolds can be usedAll components within the engine (including exhaust) must remain intact and as standard. E.g. Noengine / carb / crank boring, grinding, removing parts etc.<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>Racing</strong> hold the right to inspect any engine at any time. The engine may be inspected by <strong>HPI</strong><strong>Racing</strong> technicians and returned within 7 days with a ruling.GEAR RATIOS2 speed gearbox is allowedFUELHandout fuel will be provided for qualifying and finals. It will be Tornado 16% fuel.<strong>HPI</strong> fuel tanks must be used (75cc maximum size).Fuel tubing from fuel tank to engine must not be longer than 20cm in length.20 of 21.

<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>CHALLENGE</strong> 2004 WORLD FINALS – IN<strong>FOR</strong>MATION PACKQUALIFYING and FINALSMinimum of 4 Rounds of QualifyingFTD QualifyingStagger Starts5 Minute RacesCARAny RS4 Super Nitro and RS4 Super Nitro Rally cars onlyMinimum Weight Limit = 1800g• Any <strong>HPI</strong> parts are allowed• No structural changes allowed• All Nitro Cars MUST BE fitted with a FAIL-SAFE unitBODYSHELLSAny Super Size <strong>HPI</strong> Bodyshells<strong>HPI</strong> foam bumpers may be usedStandard wings may be used, only if supplied with bodyAll bodyshells and wings must be cut out and mounted as standard, unless otherwise statedAIR HOLESA 50mm Hole is allowed in the front window, side and rear windows may be cut as requiredOther holes may be cut to allow engine heatsink heads, large air filters and access to the glow plugonlyHANDOUT TYRESAny <strong>HPI</strong> Super Nitro Tyre may be usedBelt may not be removed from tireAny tyre inserts can be used<strong>HPI</strong> ‘Super Size’ Wheels MUST be used2 x 5mm (maximum) size holes may be made in the wheels for venting/coolingAny traction additive may be usedENGINEPlease see the Nitro Engine Ruling (page 12) for the list of legal <strong>HPI</strong> engines(to be confirmed) <strong>HPI</strong> / Hot Bodies / Team Orion exhausts and manifolds can be usedAll components within the engine (including Exhaust) must remain intact and as standard. E.g. Noengine / carb / crank boring, grinding, removing parts etc.<strong>HPI</strong> <strong>Racing</strong> hold the right to inspect any engine at any time. The engine may be inspected by <strong>HPI</strong><strong>Racing</strong> technicians and returned within 7 days with a ruling.GEAR RATIOS2 Speed gearbox is allowedFUELHandout fuel will be provided for qualifying and finals. It will be Tornado 16% fuel.<strong>HPI</strong> fuel tanks must be used (75cc maximum size).Fuel tubing from fuel tank to engine must not be longer than 20cm in length.21 of 21.

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