Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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Descriptions of the Library Routines 2WRITE (*, '(A, \)') 'Enter some data (Hit RETURN to &exit): 'len = GETSTRQQ (stuff)IF (len .EQ. 0) EXITWRITE (unit, *) stuffIF (.NOT. COMMITQQ(unit)) WRITE (*,*) 'Failed'END DOCLOSE (unit)ENDCOMPLINT, COMPLREAL, COMPLLOGPortability Functions: Return a BIT-WISE complement or logical .NOT. of the argument.Module: USE IFPORTSyntaxresult = COMPLINT (intval)result = COMPLREAL (realval)result = COMPLLOG (logval)intval(Input) INTEGER(4).realval(Input) REAL(4).logval(Input) LOGICAL(4).Results:If the argument is logical, the result is logical. Otherwise, the result is Boolean (a CRAY* bitset).With a Boolean result, use a BIT-WISE complement. For the logical COMPLLOG, just toggle10.CompatibilityCONSOLE STANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS WINDOWS LIBCOMQueryInterfaceCOM Subroutine: Passes an interface identifier and returns a pointer to an object’s interface.This subroutine is only available on Windows* systems on IA-32 processors.2-39

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