Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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2 Intel <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>USE IFPORTREAL*4 A,B,CINTEGER*2 STSA = 2.0E0B = 0.0E0! Poll and display initial floating point statusCALL GETSTATUSFPQQ(STS)WRITE(*,'(1X,A,Z4.4)') 'Initial fp status = ',STS! Cause a divide-by-zero exception! Poll and display the new floating point statusC = A/BCALL GETSTATUSFPQQ(STS)WRITE(*,'(1X,A,Z4.4)') 'After div-by-zero fp status = ',STS! If a divide by zero error occurred, clear the floating point! status register so future exceptions can be detected.IF ((STS .AND. FPSW$ZERODIVIDE) > 0) THENCALL CLEARSTATUSFPQQ()CALL GETSTATUSFPQQ(STS)WRITE(*,'(1X,A,Z4.4)') 'After CLEARSTATUSFPQQ fp status = ',STSENDIFENDCLICKMENUQQQuickWin Function: Simulates the effect of clicking or selecting a menu command. TheQuickWin application responds as though the user had clicked or selected the command. Thisfunction is only available on Windows* systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxresult = CLICKMENUQQ (item)item(Input) INTEGER(4). Constant that represents the command selected from the Window menu.Must be one of the following symbolic constants (defined in IFQWIN.F90):• QWIN$STATUS - Status command2-30

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